I'm trying to communicate with a Blue Coat anti-virus box using ICAP. I'm fairly new at Java, but i do have experience in other object-oriented languages. I have tested using c-icap-client on Ubuntu and I can confirm that the server I'm testing with is working.

ICAP should be HTTP-like which explains the HTTP tag (not enough reputation for creating ICAP).

Does anyone have a tip or coding example to get me started with ICAP in Java? I want to end up sending a file and receiving a response based on it's security risk.


1 回答 1


我最终想通了自己。GitHub 上提供了 Java 和 C# 版本:https ://github.com/Baekalfen/ICAP-avscan

于 2014-01-02T16:11:06.830 回答