我得到了这个代码,它从跟踪手的运动传感器获取 x,y 位置。该应用程序在屏幕中间画一个圆圈,然后检测手是否在圆圈之外。 当手在圆外时,一个函数会检查手到圆心的距离。我试图在手在链表中的圆圈之外时存储距离数据。
我需要获得前 5 个最大值和每次手在圆圈外的持续时间。
请让我知道这是否有意义!运动传感器以 200 fps 的速度读取数据,因此效率是这里的因素。最重要的是,我只希望手来回移动,一次在圆圈外几秒钟。
import java.util.*;
LinkedList<Integer> values;
public void setup()
size(800, 300);
values = new LinkedList<Integer>();
HandPosition = new PVector(0, 0); //This is getting x,y values from motion sensor
aCircle = new Circle(); //my class just draws a circle to center of screen
public void draw()
if (aCircle.isOut(HandPosition)) /* detects if movement is outside of circle. Would it make more sense for this to be a while loop? I also need to start a timer as soon as this happens but that shouldn't be hard */
values.add(aCircle.GetDistance(HandPosition)); //gets how far the hand is from center of circle and adds it to linked list. Allegedly at least, I think this will work.
/*So I need to get the 5 largest value from inside of my linked list here.
I also need to start a timer*/
class Circle {
PVector mCenter;
int mRadius;
// initialize the center position vector
mCenter = new PVector(0,0);
mRadius = 150;
boolean isOut(PVector Position) //detects if hand position is outside of circle
return mCenter.dist(Position) <= mRadius;
float GetDistance(PVector Position) //detects how far the hand is from the center of circle
return mCenter.dist(Position);
void draw() {
ellipse(mCenter.x, mCenter.y, mRadius, mRadius);
我也是 Processing 的新手,所以如果其中任何一个有效,请不要退缩。