根据上面的建议,这里是我提出的初步(仍在测试)C# 代码,它将在特定 SHA 处截断主分支,创建新的初始提交。它还删除了所有悬空引用和 Blob
public class RepositoryUtility
public RepositoryUtility()
public String[] GetPaths(Commit commit)
List<String> paths = new List<string>();
RecursivelyGetPaths(paths, commit.Tree);
return paths.ToArray();
private void RecursivelyGetPaths(List<String> paths, Tree tree)
foreach (TreeEntry te in tree)
if (te.TargetType == TreeEntryTargetType.Tree)
RecursivelyGetPaths(paths, te.Target as Tree);
public void TruncateCommits(String repositoryPath, Int32 maximumCommitCount)
IRepository repository = new Repository(repositoryPath);
Int32 count = 0;
string newInitialCommitSHA = null;
foreach (Commit masterCommit in repository.Head.Commits)
if (count == maximumCommitCount)
newInitialCommitSHA = masterCommit.Sha;
//there must be parent commits to the commit we want to set as the new initial commit
if (count > maximumCommitCount)
TruncateCommits(repository, repositoryPath, newInitialCommitSHA);
private void RecursivelyCheckTreeItems(Tree tree,Dictionary<String, TreeEntry> treeItems, Dictionary<String, GitObject> gitObjectDeleteList)
foreach (TreeEntry treeEntry in tree)
//if the blob does not exist in a commit before the truncation commit then add it to the deletion list
if (!treeItems.ContainsKey(treeEntry.Target.Sha))
if (!gitObjectDeleteList.ContainsKey(treeEntry.Target.Sha))
gitObjectDeleteList.Add(treeEntry.Target.Sha, treeEntry.Target);
if (treeEntry.TargetType == TreeEntryTargetType.Tree)
RecursivelyCheckTreeItems(treeEntry.Target as Tree, treeItems, gitObjectDeleteList);
private void RecursivelyAddTreeItems(Dictionary<String, TreeEntry> treeItems, Tree tree)
foreach (TreeEntry treeEntry in tree)
//check for existance because if a file is renamed it can exist under a tree multiple times with the same SHA
if (!treeItems.ContainsKey(treeEntry.Target.Sha))
treeItems.Add(treeEntry.Target.Sha, treeEntry);
if (treeEntry.TargetType == TreeEntryTargetType.Tree)
RecursivelyAddTreeItems(treeItems, treeEntry.Target as Tree);
private void TruncateCommits(IRepository repository, String repositoryPath, string newInitialCommitSHA)
//get a repository object
Dictionary<String, TreeEntry> treeItems = new Dictionary<string, TreeEntry>();
Commit selectedCommit = null;
Dictionary<String, GitObject> gitObjectDeleteList = new Dictionary<String, GitObject>();
//loop thru the commits starting at the head moving towards the initial commit
foreach (Commit masterCommit in repository.Head.Commits)
//if non null then we have already found the commit where we want the truncation to occur
if (selectedCommit != null)
//since this is a commit after the truncation point add it to our deletion list
gitObjectDeleteList.Add(masterCommit.Sha, masterCommit);
//check the blobs of this commit to see if they should be deleted
RecursivelyCheckTreeItems(masterCommit.Tree, treeItems, gitObjectDeleteList);
//have we found the commit that we want to be the initial commit
if (String.Equals(masterCommit.Sha, newInitialCommitSHA, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
selectedCommit = masterCommit;
//this commit is before the new initial commit so record the tree entries that need to be kept.
RecursivelyAddTreeItems(treeItems, masterCommit.Tree);
//this function simply clears out the parents of the new initial commit
Func<Commit, IEnumerable<Commit>> rewriter = (c) => { return new Commit[0]; };
//perform the rewrite
repository.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions() { CommitParentsRewriter = rewriter }, selectedCommit);
//clean up references now in origional and remove the commits that they point to
foreach (var reference in repository.Refs.FromGlob("refs/original/*"))
//skip branch reference on file deletion
if (reference.CanonicalName.IndexOf("master", 0, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
//delete the Blob from the file system
DeleteGitBlob(repositoryPath, reference.TargetIdentifier);
//now remove any tags that reference commits that are going to be deleted in the next step
foreach (var reference in repository.Refs.FromGlob("refs/tags/*"))
if (gitObjectDeleteList.ContainsKey(reference.TargetIdentifier))
//remove the commits from the GIT ObectDatabase
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, GitObject> kvp in gitObjectDeleteList)
//delete the Blob from the file system
DeleteGitBlob(repositoryPath, kvp.Value.Sha);
private void DeleteGitBlob(String repositoryPath, String blobSHA)
String shaDirName = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(repositoryPath, ".git\\objects"), blobSHA.Substring(0, 2));
String shaFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(shaDirName, blobSHA.Substring(2));
//if the directory exists
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(shaDirName))
//get the files in the directory
String[] directoryFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(shaDirName);
foreach (String directoryFile in directoryFiles)
//if we found the file to delete
if (String.Equals(shaFileName, directoryFile, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//if readonly set the file to RW
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(shaFileName);
if (fi.IsReadOnly)
fi.IsReadOnly = false;
//delete the file
//eliminate the directory if only one file existed
if (directoryFiles.Length == 1)