我是 Spray-Json API 的新手,我正在尝试解析来自 Docker REST API 的 Json 响应。
有一个使用 Spray-Json 解析此 Google Map Json 响应的干净示例:
"results" : [
"elevation" : 8815.7158203125,
"location" : {
"lat" : 27.988056,
"lng" : 86.92527800000001
"resolution" : 152.7032318115234
"status" : "OK"
. 但是,我需要直接解析一个 Json 响应,其最外层是Array
"Id": "8dfafdbc3a40",
"Image": "base:latest",
"Command": "echo 1",
"Created": 1367854155,
"Status": "Exit 0",
"Ports":[{"PrivatePort": 2222, "PublicPort": 3333, "Type": "tcp"}],
{ ... },
{ ... }
这是我改编自 Google 地图示例的代码:
package main
import ...
case class Container(id: String, image: String, command: String, created: Long, status: String, ports: List[Port], sizeRW: Long, sizeRootFs: Long)
case class Port(privatePort: Long, publicPort: Long, portType: String)
case class DockerApiResult[T](results: List[T])
object ContainerListJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val portFormat = jsonFormat3(Port)
implicit val containerFormat = jsonFormat8(Container)
implicit def dockerApiResultFormat[T :JsonFormat] = jsonFormat1(DockerApiResult.apply[T])
object Main extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("simple-spray-client")
import system.dispatcher // execution context for futures below
val log = Logging(system, getClass)
log.info("Requesting containers info...")
import ContainerListJsonProtocol._
import SprayJsonSupport._
val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[DockerApiResult[Container]]
val responseFuture = pipeline {
responseFuture onComplete {
case Success(DockerApiResult(Container(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) :: _)) =>
log.info("Id of the found image: {} ")
case Success(somethingUnexpected) =>
log.warning("The Docker API call was successful but returned something unexpected: '{}'.", somethingUnexpected)
case Failure(error) =>
log.error(error, "Couldn't get containers information")
def shutdown(): Unit = {
下面是我得到的例外 ( Object expected
) :
spray.httpx.PipelineException: MalformedContent(Object expected,Some(spray.json.DeserializationException: Object expected))
我当然错过了一些明显的东西,但是如何使用 Spray-Json 解析 Json 数组?
此外,是否有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点而无需处理自定义 JsonFormat 或 RootJsonFormat?