考虑编写一个 PHP 库,它将通过 Packagist 或 Pear 发布。它面向在任意设置中使用它的同行开发人员。

该库将包含为客户端确定的一些状态消息。如何国际化此代码,以便使用该库的开发人员有尽可能高的自由插入自己的本地化方法?我不想假设任何事情,尤其是不强迫开发人员使用 gettext。


class Example {

    protected $message = "I'd like to be translated in your client's language.";

    public function callMe() {
        return $this->message;

    public function callMeToo($user) {
        return sprintf('Hi %s, nice to meet you!', $user);



一个(非常不方便的)选项是,在构造函数中请求一些 i18n 方法,如下所示:

public function __construct($i18n) {
    $this->i18n = $i18n;
    $this->message = $this->i18n($this->message);

public function callMeToo($user) {
    return sprintf($this->i18n('Hi %s, nice to meet you!'), $user);


编辑 1:除了简单的字符串替换之外, i18n 的字段很宽。前提是,我不想在我的库中打包任何 i18n 解决方案,也不想强迫用户专门选择一个来满足我的代码需求。



3 回答 3


The most often used solution is a strings file. E.g. like following:

# library
class Foo {
  public function __construct($lang = 'en') {
    $this->strings = require('path/to/langfile.' . $lang . '.php');
    $this->message = $this->strings['callMeToo'];

  public function callMeToo($user) {
    return sprintf($this->strings['callMeToo'], $user);

# strings file
return Array(
  'callMeToo' => 'Hi %s, nice to meet you!'

You can, to avoid the $this->message assignment, also work with magic getters:

# library again
class Foo {
  # … code from above

  function __get($name) {
    if(!empty($this->strings[$name])) {
      return $this->strings[$name];

    return null;

You can even add a loadStrings method which takes an array of strings from the user and merge it with your internal strings table.

Edit 1: To achieve more flexibility I would change the above approach a little bit. I would add a translation function as object attribute and always call this when I want to localize a string. The default function just looks up the string in the strings table and returns the value itself if it can't find a localized string, just like gettext. The developer using your library could then change the function to his own provided to do a completely different approach of localization.

Date localization is not a problem. Setting the locale is a matter of the software your library is used in. The format itself is a localized string, e.g. $this->translate('%Y-%m-%d') would return a localized version of the date format string.

Number localization is done by setting the right locale and using functions like sprintf().

Currency localization is a problem, though. I think the best approach would be to add a currency translation function (and, maybe for better flexibility, another number formatting function, too) which a developer could overwrite if he wants to change the currency format. Alternatively you could implement format strings for currencies, too. For example %CUR %.02f – in this example you would replace %CUR with the currency symbol. Currency symbols itself are localized strings, too.

Edit 2: If you don't want to use setlocale you have to do a lot of work… basically you have to rewrite strftime() and sprintf() to achieve localized dates and numbers. Of course possible, but a lot of work.

于 2013-12-13T08:17:39.527 回答



所以我建议:将你的源语句(英文)保持在不可知的格式中,这样每个人都很容易理解。这可能是 xml 文件、数据库或您认为合适的任何其他形式。然后在需要的地方使用您的翻译。你可以这样做:

class Example {
  // Fetch them as you prefer and store them in $messages.
  protected $messages = array(
    'en' => array(
      "message"  => "I'd like to be translated in your client's language.",
      "greeting" => "Hi %s, nice to meet you!"

  public function __construct($lang = 'en') {
    $this->lang = $lang;

  protected function get($key, $args = null) {
    // Store the string
    $message = $this->messages[$this->lang][$key];
    if ($args == null)
      return $this->translator($message);
    else {
      $string = $this->translator($message);
      // Merge the two arrays so they can be passed as values
      $sprintf_args = array_merge(array($string), $args);
      return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $sprintf_args);

  public function callMe() {
    return $this->get("message");

  public function callMeToo($user) {
    return $this->get("greeting", $user);


class Example {
  protected $translator;

  // Translator already knows the language to translate the text to
  public function __construct($Translator) {
    $this->translator = $Translator;

  public function callMe() {
    return $this->translator("I'd like to be translated in your client's language.");

  public function callMeToo($user) {
    return sprintf($this->translator("Hi %s, nice to meet you!"), $user));

它可以很容易地修改为使用 xml 文件或任何其他源来翻译字符串。


  • 这与您提出的解决方案不同,因为它在输出中完成工作,而不是在初始化中,因此无需跟踪每个字符串。

  • 你只需要用英语写一次你的句子。如果正确初始化,我编写的类会将其放入数据库中,从而使您的代码非常干燥。这正是我开始它的原因,而不是仅仅使用 gettext (以及 gettext 的荒谬大小以满足我的简单要求)。

  • 缺点:这是一个老班。那时我知道的不多。现在我要更改几件事:创建一个language字段,而不是en,es等,在这里和那里抛出一些异常并上传我所做的一些测试。

于 2013-12-14T20:05:24.003 回答


例如,Mantis Bug Tracker 使用一个简单的全局文件

    require_once "strings_$language.txt";
    echo $s_actiongroup_menu_move;


    $translator = new Translator(Translator::ENGLISH); // or make it a singleton
    echo $translator->translate('actiongroup_menu_move');

改用 XML 文件、INI 文件或 CSV 文件……事实上,无论您喜欢什么格式。



  • 翻译只能通过字符串替换来实现(映射可能有无数种形式)
  • 格式化数字和日期与您无关。这是表示层的责任,您应该只返回原始数字(或DateTime或时间戳),(除非您的库的目的是本地化;)
于 2013-12-13T18:00:49.773 回答