我正在尝试从表单中保存批处理记录并保存到数据库。我从高级示例中获得了示例, 它是一个小部件。这个。示例仅添加记录而不保存它我在小部件下添加一个保存底部并形成小部件顶部。添加用于添加或更新的代码,我在小部件中添加了 id 字段。从数据库中读取的记录。当我更新记录时我没有任何问题但是当我添加记录时我的程序不保存新记录我跟踪程序并看到 $_post[model] 包含旧记录并且没有新记录。当我从 from 元素 id 字段时。所有记录重新保存我离开程序
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'enableClientValidation' => true,
)); ?>
echo Help::item('annotation','title',!Yii::app()->user->isGuest); ?></h2>
<div class="large-text"><?php echo Help::item('annotation','content'); ?></div>sas
<?php $this->widget('ext.widgets.tabularinput.XTabularInput',array(
'addTemplate'=>'<tbody><tr><td colspan="6">{link}</td></tr></tbody>',
'addLabel'=>Yii::t('ui','Add new row'),
'addHtmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'blue pill full-width'),
'removeHtmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'red pill'),
)); ?>
<div class="action">
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? Yii::t('ui', 'Create') : Yii::t('ui','Save'),array('class'=>'btn btn-primary')); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('ui', 'Cancel'), $model->isNewRecord ? array('admin') : $this->getReturnUrl(), array('class'=>'btn')) ?>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
$person = new Person;
$persons = $this->getItemsToUpdate();
// print_r($_POST); exit;
if (isset($_POST['Person'])) {
$valid = true;
foreach ($persons as $i => $person) {
if (isset($_POST['Person'][$i]))
$person->attributes = $_POST['Person'][$i];
$valid = $person->validate() && $valid;
$errores = $person->getErrors();
// print_r($errores);
// echo " valid: " . $valid . "<br>";
$this->render('hame', array(
'model' => $persons,
public function getItemsToUpdate() {
// Create an empty list of records
$persons = array();
// Iterate over each item from the submitted form
if (isset($_POST['Person']) && is_array($_POST['Person'])) {
foreach ($_POST['Person'] as $person) {
// If item id is available, read the record from database
if (array_key_exists('id', $person)) {
$persons[] = Person::model()->findByPk($person['id']);
// Otherwise create a new record
else {
$persons[] = new Person();
return $persons;