Newbee here. I'm using django-autocomplete-light for my foreign field key in django admin. It's working great. But once I selected an item the plus sign is thrown below the item.
Is there a way for the plus sign to stay in line with the selected item to save space?
EDIT for clarity - I'm using django grappelli.
Thank you django-autocomplete-light author, jpic for explaining how to override the template and css. Good thing I can paste image now.
In the image above I have two autocomplete, Public Telecom Entity (PTE) and Antenna. The customized form is using
class Meta: widgets = autocomplete_light.get_widgets_dict(Equipment)
PTE is defined in the form as
carrier = forms.ModelChoiceField(Carrier.objects.all(),
label="Public Telecom Entity",
But I did not defined Antenna. I assume, this field will be using the Meta widget.