ChatBot 中仅剩最后一部分。我需要找到一种方法来修改聊天机器人类,以便它偶尔(例如,30% 的时间)返回一个随机生成的标准回复,以对用户输入至少五个可能的回复之一,例如“LOL”、“ OMG”、“你没说”、“真的吗?”或“我明白了”。
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChatBot
private int responseCount = 0;
public String getResponse(String value)
String X = longestWord(value);
if (responseCount == 10)
return "Sorry, but our time is up. I can't talk with you any longer.";
if (value.contains("you"))
return "I'm not important. Let's talk about you instead.";
else if (X.length() <= 3)
return "Maybe we should move on. Is there anything else you would like to talk about?";
else if (X.length() == 4)
return "Tell me more about " + X;
else if (X.length() == 5)
return "Why do you think " + X + " is important?";
else if (X.length() <=9)
return "Now we are getting somewhere. How does " + X + " affect you the most?";
return getRandomResponse();
public String longestWord(String value){
Scanner input = new Scanner (value);
String longest = new String();
longest = "";
while (input.hasNext())
String temp =;
if(temp.length() > longest.length())
longest = temp;
return longest;
private String getRandomResponse()
String [] responses = {"OMG", "LOL", "You don't say", "Really?", "I See"};
return responses [(int)(Math.random() * responses.length)];
编辑:它现在只给出随机响应,并覆盖 getResponse() 方法中的所有其他响应。