我在服务器端使用 Node.js 和 Passportjs 的组合,在客户端使用 Emberjs 的应用程序。我当前的身份验证策略是使用 Passport-Local 以标准的电子邮件/密码组合对用户进行身份验证,然后挂钩会话创建机制以生成身份验证令牌,将其保存到单独的表中,并传回给用户用于任何进一步受保护的路线。(在 REST 标头中传递)。
目前,我使用node-jwt-simple生成令牌,方法是使用随机node-uuid传递作为有效负载,并将用户 UID(另一个node-uuid)作为秘密。然后我将其保存到$.cookie
客户端的 a 和服务器端的表中,以及创建日期。
显然, node-jwt-simple中的步骤之一是对令牌进行编码。还提供了解码功能。我的问题是,当我进行身份验证检查时,是否需要将令牌解码为某种东西,或者只是检查用户的会话 cookie(REST 标头)是否与数据库中的令牌匹配就足够了?我不想付出所有努力来生成一个令牌,然后错过一个重要的步骤,但我没有看到如何将它解码成任何可以提供任何额外有用安全性的东西。
The solution seems to be to use the User's UID as the payload for JWT, with a static string as the secret (taken from something like a server environment variable or similar), and then only store the encoded token in the database. Pass the token back to the client for re-auth, then when the client attempts to access a protected route, they must pass their UID along with the encoded token to the server, which is then decoded, and the decoded payload compared to the UID that has been passed. If they match, the auth is successful, otherwise the token is destroyed and the user has to log in again. By doing this, it makes the store of tokens effectively useless without knowing either the Secret key, or having the User's UID, but makes the auth process more secure.