I need to have a public read only instance to query data using the port 3030 and a private read and write instance to add and update data using the port 3031. Both instances are only accessible throw a web server using distinct domains and port 80. Also, the private instance provides access using an HTTP user/password.

My question is about concurrency: Has Fuseki support to concurrently access to a directory database using two server instances?


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我在Fuseki 文档中找到了答案:

不支持在多个 JVM 中运行的多个应用程序使用相同的文件数据库。必须有一个 JVM 控制数据库目录和文件。

使用 Fuseki 为多个应用程序提供数据库服务器。Fuseki 支持 SPARQL 查询、SPARQL 更新和 SPARQL 图形存储协议。


于 2013-12-08T15:56:05.157 回答