我意识到这是一个老问题,但我最近一直在使用 win32com 包,发现文档至少可以说很麻烦......我希望有一天有人可以拯救我试图绕过 MSDN 所经历的混乱解释
这是一个 Python 脚本的示例,用于遍历 Outlook 文件夹,在我喜欢的地方访问电子邮件。
import win32com
import win32com.client
import string
import os
# the findFolder function takes the folder you're looking for as folderName,
# and tries to find it with the MAPIFolder object searchIn
def findFolder(folderName,searchIn):
lowerAccount = searchIn.Folders
for x in lowerAccount:
if x.Name == folderName:
print 'found it %s'%x.Name
objective = x
return objective
return None
except Exception as error:
print "Looks like we had an issue accessing the searchIn object"
print (error)
return None
def main():
ons = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
#this is the initial object you're accessing, IE if you want to access
#the account the Inbox belongs too
one = '<your account name here>@<your domain>.com'
#Retrieves a MAPIFolder object for your account
#Object functions and properties defined by MSDN at
Folder1 = findFolder(one,ons)
#Now pass you're MAPIFolder object to the same function along with the folder you're searching for
Folder2 = findFolder('Inbox',Folder1)
#Rinse and repeat until you have an object for the folder you're interested in
Folder3 = findFolder(<your inbox subfolder>,Folder2)
#This call returns a list of mailItem objects refering to all of the mailitems(messages) in the specified MAPIFolder
messages = Folder3.Items
#Iterate through the messages contained within our subfolder
for xx in messages:
#Treat xx as a singular object, you can print the body, sender, cc's and pretty much every aspect of an e-mail
#In my case I was writing the body to .txt files to parse...
print xx.Subject,xx.Sender,xx.Body
#Using move you can move e-mails around programatically, make sure to pass it a
#MAPIFolder object as the destination, use findFolder() to get the object
except Exception as err:
print "Error accessing mailItem"
print err
if __name__ == "__main__":