(def list [1,2,3,4])
(def result (exec-raw
["SELECT * from table_name where table_id in (?)"],[list] :results))
我不断收到这个错误,Clojure 无法推断持久向量的 SQL 类型,使用 setObject 来告诉类型,现在如何将 setObject 与 CLojure 一起使用?
(def list [1,2,3,4])
(def result (exec-raw
["SELECT * from table_name where table_id in (?)"],[list] :results))
我不断收到这个错误,Clojure 无法推断持久向量的 SQL 类型,使用 setObject 来告诉类型,现在如何将 setObject 与 CLojure 一起使用?
如果你想要一个原始的 sql,你需要连接“?”:
(def list ["AAPL" "GOOG"])
(def questions
(->> (repeat (count list) "?")
(interpose ",")
(apply str)))
(def q (str "SELECT * FROM ta_indicators WHERE ticker IN ("
questions ")"))
(println (exec-raw [q list] :results))
看起来 korma 做同样的事情并且有效:
(defentity ta_indicators)
(-> (select* ta_indicators)
(fields :ticker)
(where {:ticker [in ["GOOG" "TSLA"]]})
;; "SELECT \"ta_indicators\".\"ticker\" FROM \"ta_indicators\" WHERE (\"ta_indicators\".\"ticker\" IN (?, ?))"
Shouldn't the function be called like so:
(exec-raw ["select ..." list] ...)
You might have list
in the wrong place.