I need to upgrade my apps to Rails 3.2.16, when I did bundle update rails it gives me the following error.

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "tilt":
  In Gemfile:
    sass-rails (= 3.2.6) ruby depends on
      tilt (~> 1.3) ruby

    slim (>= 0) ruby depends on
      tilt (2.0.0)

My Gemfile:

gem 'sass-rails',   '~> 3.2.6'
gem 'slim'

I don't know how to fix this. Help please.



2 回答 2


尝试将“倾斜”显式添加到您的 Gemfile。

于 2013-12-06T05:58:58.993 回答

我很快尝试捆绑安装这两个 gem,并在我的 Gemfile.lock 中获得了以下依赖关系树。

sass-rails (3.2.6)
  railties (~> 3.2.0)
  sass (>= 3.1.10)
  tilt (~> 1.3)
slim (2.0.2)
  temple (~> 0.6.6)
  tilt (>= 1.3.3, < 2.1)

作为建议的评论之一,可能尝试将 slim 版本明确指定为 2.0.2,因为它只需要倾斜 1.3.3 或更高版本,这与 sass-rails 所需的倾斜版本兼容

于 2013-12-10T12:34:36.640 回答