I 'm trying to make river-jdbc work in my elasticsearch on my windows machine. I have installed river-jdbc. And have also downloaded the driver for sql server. Now trying to configure it to use my sql server Express db.

When I inspect ES using elasticsearch-head i can see that jdbc river is installed. I am trying to configure it so that I can retrieve data from the tables.

name: jdbc-river
description: JDBC River
jvm: true
site: false

Any suggestion how to proceed next? I 'm referring to this blog.



1 回答 1


我不太确定你被困在哪里。但请记下您所指页面中的这一行 -

如果您使用的是 elasticsearch >= 0.90.0 的版本,则需要使用至少 2.2.0 版本的 river-jdbc 插件)。

于 2013-12-24T00:53:03.483 回答