我正在尝试通过使用薄板样条算法生成英国的网格化降雨数据,并消除 R 中不在陆地上的值——到目前为止,我只能手动实现这一过程。这个问题(对我来说)具有挑战性,甚至难以解释——所以我将逐步介绍我到目前为止所做的事情。非常欢迎任何帮助。

首先,我将一个数据表加载到 R 中,该数据表表示来自多个点位置气象站的单日降雨量,数据表的每一行包含日期、站点 ID、站点东移和北移、该地点的日降雨量和全年平均降雨量。我还加载了库字段、maptools 和 gstat。


dat <- read.table("1961month1day1.csv", header=T, sep=",", quote = "")
names(dat) <- c("easting", "northing", "dailyrainfall","avaerageyearlyrainfall")


dput(head(dat, 20))
structure(list(easting = c(130000L, 145000L, 155000L, 170000L, 
180000L, 180000L, 180000L, 180000L, 185000L, 200000L, 200000L, 
205000L, 210000L, 220000L, 225000L, 230000L, 230000L, 230000L, 
230000L, 235000L), northing = c(660000L, 30000L, 735000L, 40000L, 
30000L, 45000L, 60000L, 750000L, 725000L, 50000L, 845000L, 65000L, 
770000L, 105000L, 670000L, 100000L, 620000L, 680000L, 95000L, 
120000L), dailyrainfall = c(9.4, 4.1, 12.4, 2.8, 1.3, 3.6, 4.8, 26.7, 19.8, 
4.6, 1.7, 4.1, 12.7, 1.8, 3, 5.3, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 4.6), averageyearlyrainfall = c(1334.626923, 
1123.051923, 2072.030769, 1207.584615, 928, 1089.334615, 880.0884615, 
2810.323077, 1933.719231, 1215.642308, 2644.171154, 1235.913462, 
2140.111538, 1010.436538, 1778.432692, 1116.934615, 912.2807692, 
1579.386538, 1085.498077, 1250.601923)), .Names = c("easting", 
"northing", "dailyrainfall", "averageyearlyrainfall"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")


fit <- Tps(cbind(dat$easting,dat$northing),dat$dailyrainfall)

然后,我可以使用以下方法以 1 公里的步长创建英国的网格:

xvals <- seq(0, 700000, by=1000)
yvals <- seq(0, 1250000, by=1000)


griddf <- expand.grid(xvals, yvals)
griddf$pred <- predict(fit, x=as.matrix(griddf))
write.table(griddf, file="1Jan1961grid.csv", sep=",", qmethod="double")

太好了——到目前为止一切都很好。我现在已经将我的点数据转换为 0 到 700000 (E) 和 0 到 1250000 (N) 整个网格的 1 公里网格数据。书面数据表是一个包含索引、东距、北距和预测降雨量值的列表。

现在是挑战 - 我想从这个列表中消除任何不在陆地上的值。我可以通过将数据加载到 excel(或 Access)中并将数据与另一个包含相同网格和平均年降雨量的文件(该文件称为 1kmgridaveragerainfall.csv)进行比较来手动实现这一点。这是此文件的示例:

dput(head(dat1, 20))
structure(list(easting = c(-200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, 
-200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, 
-200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, -200000L, 
-200000L, -200000L), northing = c(1245000L, 1240000L, 1235000L, 
 1230000L, 1225000L, 1220000L, 1215000L, 1210000L, 1205000L, 1200000L, 
 1195000L, 1190000L, 1185000L, 1180000L, 1175000L, 1170000L, 1165000L, 
 1160000L, 1155000L, 1150000L), averageyearlyrainfall = c(-9999, -9999, -9999, 
 -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, 
 -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999)), .Names = c("easting", 
 "northing", "averageyearlyrainfall"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")

任何不超过陆地的方格网的年平均降雨量为 -9999。因此,一旦匹配(即使用 vlookup 或 Access 中的查询),我可以过滤掉具有 -9999 值的值,这给我留下了一个数据表,其中仅包含土地价值的东向和北向以及每日降雨量和年平均降雨量。然后我可以将它加载回 R 并使用以下方法绘制它:

quilt.plot(cbind(dat$easting,dat$northing),dat$mm, add.legend=TRUE, nx=654, ny=1209,xlim=c(0,700000),ylim=c(0,1200000))


那么,任何人都可以提出一种实现相同但没有使用excel或访问的所有过滤等的方法,即只能使用R来实现相同的目标吗?有没有办法在开始时将两个数据表都加载到 R 中,并以某种方式将点数据的 TPS 拟合到平均数据上,以便不绘制等于 -9999 的网格正方形。

我知道可以使用协变量 (Z) 对 TPS 进行加权——这有帮助吗?IE

fit <- Tps(cbind(dat$easting,dat$northing),dat$dailyrainfall, Z=dat$averageyearlyrainfall)

另外,当我执行原始 TPS 的表面(拟合)时,如何将绘图扩展到绘图的边缘 - 我确定我已经在某个地方读过这个,你在其中放置了 interp=TRUE 之类的东西,但这并没有工作。




2 回答 2



set.seed(1234) # for reproducibility

# "The written data table is a list containing an index, an easting,
# a northing and the predicted rainfall value"
# Create a simple data frame containing made-up data
mydf1 <- data.frame(index = 1:10,
                    easting = c(1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6),
                    northing = c(12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20),
                    predicted = runif(10, 500, 1000))

# "...comparing the data to another file that contains the same grid
# and the average yearly rainfall"
# Second data frame is similar, but has rainfall instead of predicted
mydf2 <- data.frame(index = 1:10,
                    easting = c(1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6),
                    northing = c(12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20),
                    rainfall = c(runif(9, 500, 1000), -9999))

# If data frames are of same size and have mostly common columns,
# merging them probably makes it easy to manipulate the data
mydf.merged <- merge(mydf1, mydf2)

# Finally, filter the merged data frame so that it only contains
# rainfall values that are not the -9999 value that denotes sea
mydf.final <- mydf.merged[mydf.merged$rainfall > -9999, ]


> mydf1
   index easting northing predicted
1      1       1       12  556.8517
2      2       1       13  811.1497
3      3       3       13  804.6374
4      4       4       13  811.6897
5      5       5       14  930.4577
6      6       5       14  820.1553
7      7       5       15  504.7479
8      8       5       17  616.2753
9      9       6       18  833.0419
10    10       6       20  757.1256


> mydf2
   index easting northing   rainfall
1      1       1       12   846.7956
2      2       1       13   772.4874
3      3       3       13   641.3668
4      4       4       13   961.7167
5      5       5       14   646.1579
6      6       5       14   918.6478
7      7       5       15   643.1116
8      8       5       17   633.4104
9      9       6       18   593.3614
10    10       6       20 -9999.0000


> mydf.merged
   index easting northing predicted   rainfall
1      1       1       12  556.8517   846.7956
2     10       6       20  757.1256 -9999.0000
3      2       1       13  811.1497   772.4874
4      3       3       13  804.6374   641.3668
5      4       4       13  811.6897   961.7167
6      5       5       14  930.4577   646.1579
7      6       5       14  820.1553   918.6478
8      7       5       15  504.7479   643.1116
9      8       5       17  616.2753   633.4104
10     9       6       18  833.0419   593.3614

删除了 -9999 行的最终数据框:

> mydf.final
   index easting northing predicted rainfall
1      1       1       12  556.8517 846.7956
3      2       1       13  811.1497 772.4874
4      3       3       13  804.6374 641.3668
5      4       4       13  811.6897 961.7167
6      5       5       14  930.4577 646.1579
7      6       5       14  820.1553 918.6478
8      7       5       15  504.7479 643.1116
9      8       5       17  616.2753 633.4104
10     9       6       18  833.0419 593.3614
于 2013-12-06T21:00:56.527 回答


首先用 -9999 标记非土地的每日平均降雨量数据制作一个矩阵:

> m=matrix(1:12,3,4)
> m[2,1]=-9999
> m[2,3]=-9999
> m
      [,1] [,2]  [,3] [,4]
[1,]     1    4     7   10
[2,] -9999    5 -9999   11
[3,]     3    6     9   12


> r=matrix(runif(12),3,4)
> r
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
[1,] 0.9410278 0.3333299 0.5925126 0.3803659
[2,] 0.9169051 0.9797365 0.6504944 0.3154179
[3,] 0.9130946 0.7032607 0.5418443 0.8637259


> r
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
[1,] 0.9410278 0.3333299 0.5925126 0.3803659
[2,]        NA 0.9797365        NA 0.3154179
[3,] 0.9130946 0.7032607 0.5418443 0.8637259


于 2013-12-06T10:08:04.903 回答