- Downloading the 0MQ Java
- What (location and files) do I need to get into my Eclipse project so that I can begin using 0MQ in my code.
If you're just testing stuff out, the easiest way to get Java working is with JeroMq; it's a full Java implementation of ZeroMq with identical API's. Configure with pom/maven, that's it. For production code, you'll want to build the java bindings for your target OS, but don't worry about that now.
- Downloading the 0MQ C++
- What (location and files) do I need to get into my VS project...
This is the hard part. If you can use C# instead of C++, check out NetMq, a native implementation of ZeroMq in C# for .net. Otherwise, for C++ Visual Studio, you'll have to google around and piece together instructions, you can start here.
Hope it helps,