如何使用 C# 内置方法或任何其他图像处理技术对带有 BMP 扩展的图像进行异或?


using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace IProcessing
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for LogicalOperator.
/// </summary>
public class LogicalOperator
    Bitmap bmpimg;
    public LogicalOperator()
        // TODO: Add constructor logic here


    public Bitmap XORing( Bitmap bmp )
        BitmapData bmpData = bmpimg.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , bmpimg.Width , bmpimg.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );
        BitmapData bmpData2 = bmp.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , bmp.Width , bmp.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );

        int width = bmpData.Width;
        int height = bmpData.Height;

        if( bmpData2.Width > width )
            width = bmpData2.Width;
        if( bmpData2.Height > height )
            height = bmpData2.Height;

        bmpimg.UnlockBits( bmpData );
        bmp.UnlockBits( bmpData2 );

        Bitmap bit1 = new Bitmap( bmpimg , width , height );
        Bitmap bit2 = new Bitmap( bmp , width , height );

        Bitmap bmpresult = new Bitmap( width , height );

        BitmapData data1 = bit1.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , bit1.Width , bit1.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );
        BitmapData data2 = bit2.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , bit2.Width , bit2.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );
        BitmapData data3 = bmpresult.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , bmpresult.Width , bmpresult.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );

            int remain1 = data1.Stride - data1.Width * 3;
            int remain2 = data2.Stride - data2.Width * 3;
            int remain3 = data3.Stride - data3.Width * 3;

            byte* ptr1 = ( byte* )data1.Scan0;
            byte* ptr2 = ( byte* )data2.Scan0;
            byte* ptr3 = ( byte* )data3.Scan0;

            for( int i = 0 ; i < height ; i ++ )
                for( int j = 0 ; j < width * 3 ; j ++ )
                    ptr3[ 0 ] = ( byte ) ( XOR_Operator( ptr1[ 0 ] , ptr2[ 0 ] ) );
                    ptr1 ++;
                    ptr2 ++;
                    ptr3 ++;

                ptr1 += remain1;
                ptr2 += remain2;
                ptr3 += remain3;


        bit1.UnlockBits( data1 );
        bit2.UnlockBits( data2 );
        bmpresult.UnlockBits( data3 );

        return bmpresult;

    public byte XOR_Operator( byte a , byte b )

        byte A = ( byte )( 255 - a );
        byte B = ( byte )( 255 - b );

        return ( byte )( ( a & B ) | ( A & b ) );

    public Bitmap XNORing( Bitmap bmp )
 // NANDing of 2 images is done by ANDing 2 images then negating the resultant

        Bitmap orimg = XORing( bmp );

        BitmapData data = orimg.LockBits( new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , orimg.Width , orimg.Height ) , ImageLockMode.ReadWrite , PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );

            int remain = data.Stride - data.Width * 3;

            byte* ptr = ( byte* )data.Scan0;

            for( int i = 0 ; i < data.Height ; i ++ )
                for( int j = 0 ; j < data.Width * 3 ; j ++ )

                    ptr[ 0 ] = invert( ptr[ 0 ] );
                    ptr ++;

                ptr += remain;


        orimg.UnlockBits( data );

        return orimg;


    public byte invert( byte b )
        return ( byte )( 255 - b );

    public void setImage( Bitmap bmp )
        bmpimg = ( Bitmap )bmp.Clone( );  

    public Bitmap getImage( )
        return ( Bitmap )bmpimg.Clone( );

2 回答 2




  1. 在非托管代码中,如果您使用 GDI 而不是 GDI+ 进行绘制,则可以使用SetROP2()with R2_XORPEN. 这可能比您当前的循环更快,尽管您当前的循环看起来并不太吓人。

  2. 如果您的位图只是为了在屏幕上显示,您可以正常显示它,然后用ControlPaint.DrawReversibleLine()

于 2010-01-11T06:32:35.007 回答

Xor 可以用“^”运算符完成。例如。“结果 = a ^ b”

于 2010-01-11T06:11:02.850 回答