
(define (towers-of-hanoi n source temp dest)
 (if (= n 1)
  (begin (display "Move the disk from ")
         (display source) 
         (display " to " )
         (display dest)
 (begin (towers-of-hanoi (- n 1) source temp dest)
        (display "Move the disk from ") 
        (display source)
        (display " to ")
        (display dest)
  (towers-of-hanoi(- n 1) temp source dest))))



1 回答 1



(define (towers-of-hanoi n source dest temp)
  (if (= n 1)
        (display "Move the disk from ")
        (display source) 
        (display " to " )
        (display dest)
        (towers-of-hanoi (- n 1) source temp dest)
        (display "Move the disk from ") 
        (display source)
        (display " to ")
        (display dest)
        (towers-of-hanoi (- n 1) temp dest source))))

我注意到您一直在问标记为的问题racket,对于 Racket,这是相同代码的更惯用和更短的版本:

(define (towers-of-hanoi n source dest temp)
  (cond [(= n 1)
         (printf "Move the disk from ~a to ~a~n" source dest)]
         (towers-of-hanoi (sub1 n) source temp dest)
         (printf "Move the disk from ~a to ~a~n" source dest)
         (towers-of-hanoi (sub1 n) temp dest source)]))


(towers-of-hanoi 3 "source" "dest" "temp")

Move the disk from source to dest
Move the disk from source to temp
Move the disk from dest to temp
Move the disk from source to dest
Move the disk from temp to source
Move the disk from temp to dest
Move the disk from source to dest
于 2013-12-05T01:27:34.543 回答