许多年前,我在一家 DEC 商店工作。我们使用了一个名为 Document 的工具(据我所知)来创建文档。它由 DEC 提供,并创建了与原始 DEC 文档相同的布局。就我而言,这是布局和排版方面的里程碑。
在网上搜索时,我发现了一家或多或少不知名的公司,它为 Open VMS 销售这个工具。但我更喜欢开源替代品。
Touch Technology was, and perhaps still is, an interesting company with interesting folks like 'Mr Dan'. They picked up a good bit of Digital software in a fire-sale and had some good stuff such themselves such as performance tuning tools and a 4GL (Intouch... available on OpenVMS Freeware). The company appears to have moved one, judging by their current website front door which does not dwell on the old stuff , but you could do worse than try contact them. The back door still list DECdocument: http://www.ttinet.com/documentation.html
Good luck! Hein
如果您仍在寻找解决方案,您是否考虑过 LaTeX?标记语法与 VAX DOCUMENT 的 SDML 没有根本不同。它们都有相同的后端;处理 SDML 文件的最后步骤涉及通过 TeX 运行它。
我认为最好的解决方案是DocBook,因为它也是一种 SGML-ish 格式。您也许可以使用 XSS 翻译大部分内容。