I'm trying to use Crucible with CVS for precommit review. When I upload the patch, it says

Crucible tried to anchor your patch, but there was conflicting content

Apparently this is a common problem. hits in jira.

All my files have keyword tag $Log: NameOfTheFile.java,v $ and this seems to be the culprit. If I remove the tag and commit, the problem goes away -- I can upload precommit patches to Crucible. However I do not want to remove all the keyword tags from my files.

Is there any other work-around? One page says I can manually edit the diff. How??


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问题是 CVS在 checkout 期间扩展了关键字。因此,CVS 中的文件副本具有未扩展标签,但您 PC 上的副本具有扩展标签。这就是导致锚失败的原因。在 $Log$ 的情况下,扩展在标记后添加三行。要使锚点起作用,您必须编辑补丁以使这三行消失。你有两个选择

  1. 生成包含所有行的补丁,cvs diff -u100000,然后编辑补丁以删除$Log$ 之后的三行,或者
  2. 生成具有有限上下文的补丁,cvs diff -u,然后编辑补丁以从所有“@@”行中减去 3。例如,如果补丁包含“@@ -116,63 +109,50 @@”,则需要将其更改为“@@ -113,63 +106,50 @@”

当您查看 CVS 文件中的日志时,这与关闭一个错误有关。

于 2013-12-11T13:57:28.997 回答