任务的大小太小,可能会在开始后立即完成。此外,如果您有“足够”的 CPU 内核,每个工作线程将分配给一个内核,因此结果将是相同的。
就我而言,我选择了 10 个线程,因为我在具有两个超线程内核的处理器上运行代码,同时运行四个线程。
public class ThreadPriority implements Runnable {
public synchronized void run() {
System.out.println("Starting Implementation of Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
float s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 1000000; k++)
s += k;
System.out.println("Ending Implementation of Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + s);
Thread t;
public ThreadPriority(String name, int prio) {
t = new Thread(this);
public void start() {
synchronized (t) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Program starts...");
ThreadPriority[] th = new ThreadPriority[10];
for (int i = 0; i < th.length; i++) {
th[i] = new ThreadPriority("T" + i, i / 2 + 1);
for (ThreadPriority tp : th)
System.out.println("Program ending, wait for all the threads to complete");
Program starts...
Starting Implementation of Thread T0
Starting Implementation of Thread T9
Starting Implementation of Thread T8
Starting Implementation of Thread T5
Program ending, wait for all the threads to complete
Starting Implementation of Thread T4
Starting Implementation of Thread T6
Starting Implementation of Thread T7
Starting Implementation of Thread T2
Starting Implementation of Thread T3
Starting Implementation of Thread T1
Ending Implementation of Thread T6 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T7 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T4 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T8 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T9 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T5 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T2 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T0 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T1 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T3 1.7592186E13
for (int i = 0; i < th.length; i++) {
th[i] = new ThreadPriority("T" + i, 9 - i / 2 );
Program starts...
Starting Implementation of Thread T0
Starting Implementation of Thread T1
Starting Implementation of Thread T2
Starting Implementation of Thread T3
Program ending, wait for all the threads to complete
Ending Implementation of Thread T2 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T3 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T0 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T1 1.7592186E13
Starting Implementation of Thread T9
Starting Implementation of Thread T4
Starting Implementation of Thread T8
Starting Implementation of Thread T7
Starting Implementation of Thread T5
Starting Implementation of Thread T6
Ending Implementation of Thread T4 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T5 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T7 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T8 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T9 1.7592186E13
Ending Implementation of Thread T6 1.7592186E13