我正在尝试创建一个具有典型要求的密码,例如它至少有 1 个大写/小写等。如果密码根据要求无效,我们必须显示错误以便用户尝试获取它再次更正。
我从一个 while 循环开始,以便最终用户可以选择是否继续进行另一个测试。这些是我做的一般步骤。
while True:
pw = input('Enter password to be tested if valid or not: ')
correct_length = False
uc_letter = False
lc_letter = False
digit = False
no_blanks = True
first_letter = False
if len(pw) >= 8:
correct_length = True
for ch in pw:
if ch.isupper():
uc_letter = True
if ch.islower():
lc_letter = True
if pw.isalnum():
digit = True
if pw[:1].isalpha():
first_letter = True
if not pw.find(' '):
no_blanks = True
if correct_length and uc_letter and lc_letter and digit and first_letter and no_blanks:
valid_pw = True
valid_pw = False
#This is the part where I'm suppose to display the errors if the user gets it wrong.
#Initially, in the test for ch. above, I put in an else: with a print statement but because of the for- statement, it prints it out for every single character.
answer = input('Try another password input? y/n ')
if answer == 'y'
answer = True