I've had a very brief look at Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) and it looks to me like I could say that my site is going to accept logins from other sites. e.g. anyone with a gmail or LiveID account will be able to post comments on a thread in my application. When the post comment button is clicked the user is redirected to a provider and they log in there, after which they are authorized on my site to post.

How can I find out who offers the STS mechanism and what the URL is to feed into WIF?

I've found the LiveID through a bit of googling but if I wanted to find the Facebook service, or Yahoo etc how do I go about it? Searching for STS providers and its various incantations isn't turning up too much.

Many thanks

The beta has been released fairly recently which includes a few STS providers for things like google and facebook for anyone that views this later


1 回答 1


如果您正在寻找托管 STS,您的选择很少。如您所知,您拥有 Live、Ping Identity 以及最终的 Azure ACS。如果您想在某处托管 STS 产品,您有很多供应商选择:

  • Novell 访问管理器
  • Ping 身份 PingFederate
  • Symlabs 联合身份套件
  • 开放式单点登录
  • 沃德尔
  • 希博莱特
  • Redhat JBoss Identity (alpha)
  • Oracle Identity Federation(我不清楚这个产品是否支持 WS-Trust,但如果不支持,我会感到惊讶。)
  • 安全地点*识别

于 2010-01-09T16:06:14.133 回答