我们正在评估CodePro analytix以生成 jUnit。我们正在 spring3.0 中开发一个 web 项目。截至目前,CodePro 正在生成无用的 jUnit。它生成相同的测试用例。(我已经按照手册的建议指定了 spring-test.jar )。

如果您在 Spring 项目中使用此工具生成 jUnit,请提供帮助。我假设我们必须在spring-configuration某处指定我们的 xml,否则它将如何了解DI。此外,我们可能需要模拟一些必需的对象,但不确定。


1 回答 1


完成 codepro 插件设置后,右键单击类或包 -> 选择生成 Junit 测试用例。

它将为您的班级生成测试班。然后在 setup 方法中,您必须设置 spring config XML。


public class ServiceFacadeImpl implements ServiceFacade {

        private ServiceDAO serviceDAO;

        public ServiceVO getService(int serviceId) {
            return (ServiceVO) serviceDAO.getById(serviceId);

        public List<ServiceVO> getServices() {
            String criteria = " WHERE activeSwitch='Y' ORDER BY lastUpdatedDt DESC";
            return (List<ServiceVO>) serviceDAO.getAll(criteria);
         * @return the serviceDAO
        public ServiceDAO getServiceDAO() {
            return serviceDAO;

         * @param serviceDAO
         *            the serviceDAO to set
        public void setServiceDAO(ServiceDAO serviceDAO) {
            this.serviceDAO = serviceDAO;

* Codepro 生成的类 *


public class ServiceFacadeImplTest {
    private ServiceFacadeImpl serviceFacadeImpl;
    ServiceFacadeImpl fixture = null;
     * Run the ServiceVO getService(int) method test.
     * @throws Exception
     * @generatedBy CodePro at 7/7/13 10:34 PM
    public void testGetService_1() throws Exception {
        List<ServiceVO> result = fixture.getServices();
        int serviceId = 0;      
        ServiceVO result1 = fixture.getService(1);

     * Run the List<ServiceVO> getServices() method test.
     * @throws Exception
     * @generatedBy CodePro at 7/7/13 10:34 PM
    public void testGetServices_1() throws Exception {
        List<ServiceVO> result = fixture.getServices();

     * Perform pre-test initialization.
     * @throws Exception
     *             if the initialization fails for some reason
     * @generatedBy CodePro at 7/7/13 10:34 PM
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        this.setServiceFacadeImpl((ServiceFacadeImpl) new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
        fixture = this.getServiceFacadeImpl();

     * Perform post-test clean-up.
     * @throws Exception
     *             if the clean-up fails for some reason
     * @generatedBy CodePro at 7/7/13 10:34 PM
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        // Add additional tear down code here

     * Launch the test.
     * @param args
     *            the command line arguments
     * @generatedBy CodePro at 7/7/13 10:34 PM
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new org.junit.runner.JUnitCore().run(ServiceFacadeImplTest.class);

     * @return the serviceFacadeImpl
    public ServiceFacadeImpl getServiceFacadeImpl() {
        return serviceFacadeImpl;

     * @param serviceFacadeImpl
     *            the serviceFacadeImpl to set
    public void setServiceFacadeImpl(ServiceFacadeImpl serviceFacadeImpl) {
        this.serviceFacadeImpl = serviceFacadeImpl;

在 setup() 方法中,我们要加载 spring config xml,上面我已经加载了 applicationContext-facade.xml

于 2013-12-03T12:08:07.913 回答