我必须在二进制堆优先级队列 ADT 中实现 increaseKey() 方法,但我就是不知道该怎么做。BinaryHeap 只接受扩展 Comparable 的对象,这允许我使用 a.compareTo(b),但没有明显的方法来增加对象的键。
public class PrQueue <E extends Comparable<? super E>>
// Parameters
private static final int DEAFULT_CAPACITY = 10;
private E[] theItems;
private int theSize;
// Constructors
* Creates an empty priority queue
public PrQueue();
* Creates a priority queue from an array
* @param e Array of elements
public PrQueue(E[] e);
* This Method orders the elements of the Array
* from smallest to biggest
private void orderPr();
// Methods
* Inserts e in the priority queue
* @param e the element to insert in the
* queue according to its priority value
public void insert(E e);
private void ensureCapacity (int capacity);
* Obtains the element with the lowest priority value
* @return the element with he lowest priority
public E findMin();
* Removes the element with the lowest priority value
* @return the element with the lowest priority value
* prior to the deletion
public E deleteMin();
* Removes all the elements of the queue
public void makeEmpty();
* Tells if the queue is empty
* @return true if this queue is empty, false otherwise
public boolean isEmpty();
* Lowers the value of the item at position p by d amount
* @param p position of the item
* @param d amount
* @return
public boolean decreaseKey(int p, int d)
* @param p
* @param d
* @return
public boolean increaseKey(int p, int d)
* Removes the element at pth position
* @param p position
* @return deleted element
public E delete(int p);
那么,关于如何做到这一点的任何想法?我在 google 和 here 上进行了搜索,但是在我目前看到的 binaryheap 实现中,它们不包含这些方法,或者它们返回错误。