我正在为 Emacs 开发 Stack Exchange 模式,并且正在尝试使用识字编程(with org-mode
;; some-package.el starts here
<<read methods>>
<<write methods>>
;; some-package.el ends here
标题的属性,以便内部的所有源代码块(除非另有说明)都将放入各自的 noweb 缠结中?
* TODO Stack Mode (Entry Point): =stack-mode=
Stack mode is /the/ major mode. What do I mean by this? Stack mode
is the entry point of the whole package. There is no other way to
obtain the full, original functionality of the package without first
running =M-x stack-mode=. Stack Mode is the only mode available
interactively. It is a dispatcher that decides, based on user
preferences, how the whole system shall behave. It provides the basic
framework upon which the rest of the package is built, and makes sure
all tools are available.
#+name: build-stack-mode
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle elisp/stack.el
;; stack.el starts here
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/github/vermiculus/stack-mode")
(provide 'stack)
; stack.el ends here
Thus, there are a few packages that it itself requires.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the standard by which we
communicate with Stack Exchange itself. The details of this
communication has [[id:DC2032C5-BC11-47E2-8DDB-34467C2BC479][already been discussed]] so I will not repeat myself
here. The JSON package provides many utilities for manipulating JSON
snippets within Emacs Lisp, and is required for the operation of this
package. =json.el= is included with Emacs 24+ (and can easily be
obtained from the ELPA if missing).
#+name: stack-require-dependencies
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'json)
This package also requires =request.el=, a package designed to
simplify making HTTP requests. =request.el= was written by [[http://stackoverflow.com/users/727827][SX@tkf]] and
is maintained and documented on [[http://tkf.github.com/emacs-request/manual.html][GitHub]]. The package is also available
for automatic install via MELPA.
#+name: stack-require-dependencies
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'request)
#+name: stack-require-dependencies
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'stack-api)
Simply put, =defgroup= defines a customization group for the graphical
interface within Emacs. Since it pulls all of the customizable
settings together and how to customize them, it is also useful as a
'word bank' of sorts for customizing the package manually. Every
customizable variable in the entire package is listed here.
#+name: stack-setup-customization
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defgroup stack-exchange
"Stack Exchange mode."
:group 'environment)
Every mode needs a hook, so we here define one. This hook is run
/after/ stack-mode is finished loading (when called interactively or
from Emacs Lisp).
#+name: stack-setup-customization
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar stack-mode-hook nil)
In addition to a hook, most if not all major modes define their own
key-map. Stack mode as a whole is no exception, but remembering the
nature of =stack-mode= as a dispatcher, a key-map seems out of place
here. As such, the official key-map for =stack-mode= defines all keys
to be =nil= except those that are necessary for the smooth use of
Emacs as an operating system. Such necessary keystrokes include
=C-g=, =M-x=, and others.
#+name: stack-setup-keymap
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar stack-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
"Keymap for Stack Exchange major mode. This keymap is not
* TODO Stack Mode (Entry Point): =stack-mode=
Stack mode is /the/ major mode. What do I mean by this? Stack mode
is the entry point of the whole package. There is no other way to
obtain the full, original functionality of the package without first
running =M-x stack-mode=. Stack Mode is the only mode available
interactively. It is a dispatcher that decides, based on user
preferences, how the whole system shall behave. It provides the basic
framework upon which the rest of the package is built, and makes sure
all tools are available.
#+name: build-stack-mode
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle elisp/stack.el
;; stack.el starts here
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/github/vermiculus/stack-mode")
(provide 'stack)
; stack.el ends here
** Require Dependencies
:noweb-key: stack-require-dependencies
Thus, there are a few packages that it itself requires.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the standard by which we
communicate with Stack Exchange itself. The details of this
communication has [[id:DC2032C5-BC11-47E2-8DDB-34467C2BC479][already been discussed]] so I will not repeat myself
here. The JSON package provides many utilities for manipulating JSON
snippets within Emacs Lisp, and is required for the operation of this
package. =json.el= is included with Emacs 24+ (and can easily be
obtained from the ELPA if missing).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'json)
This package also requires =request.el=, a package designed to
simplify making HTTP requests. =request.el= was written by [[http://stackoverflow.com/users/727827][SX@tkf]] and
is maintained and documented on [[http://tkf.github.com/emacs-request/manual.html][GitHub]]. The package is also available
for automatic install via MELPA.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'request)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'stack-api)
** Customization
:noweb-key: stack-setup-customization
Simply put, =defgroup= defines a customization group for the graphical
interface within Emacs. Since it pulls all of the customizable
settings together and how to customize them, it is also useful as a
'word bank' of sorts for customizing the package manually. Every
customizable variable in the entire package is listed here.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defgroup stack-exchange
"Stack Exchange mode."
:group 'environment)
Every mode needs a hook, so we here define one. This hook is run
/after/ stack-mode is finished loading (when called interactively or
from Emacs Lisp).
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar stack-mode-hook nil)
** Keymap
:noweb-key: stack-setup-keymap
In addition to a hook, most if not all major modes define their own
key-map. Stack mode as a whole is no exception, but remembering the
nature of =stack-mode= as a dispatcher, a key-map seems out of place
here. As such, the official key-map for =stack-mode= defines all keys
to be =nil= except those that are necessary for the smooth use of
Emacs as an operating system. Such necessary keystrokes include
=C-g=, =M-x=, and others.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar stack-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
"Keymap for Stack Exchange major mode. This keymap is not
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