我有这段代码(在 happstack 内,但可能只是 IO monad):
accountHandler conn = do
sessionId <- optional $ readCookieValue "sessionId"
case sessionId of
Nothing -> seeOther ("/" :: String) $ toResponse ()
Just s -> do
result <- loggedInUserId conn s
case result of
Just userId -> seeOther ("/account/" ++ unUserId userId) $ toResponse ()
Nothing -> seeOther ("/" :: String) $ toResponse ()
我想删除嵌套的 case 语句并编写如下内容:
accountHandler conn = do
let action = do
sessionId <- optional $ readCookieValue "sessionId"
userId <- loggedInUserId conn sessionId
return $ seeOther ("/account/" ++ userId)
maybe (seeOther ("/" :: String)) id action $ toResponse ()
...但 userId 最终成为一种类型,Maybe String
. 如何do
使用 Maybe monad 评估嵌套块?(我也会接受一种不同的重构来删除嵌套案例。)
module Main where
getAnswer expected = do
l <- getLine
if l == expected
then return $ Just l
else return $ Nothing
main = do
a <- getAnswer "a"
case a of
Nothing -> putStrLn "nope"
Just x -> do
b <- getAnswer x
case b of
Nothing -> putStrLn "nope"
Just _ -> putStrLn "correct!"