Is there any way to save a jags.model() object into a RData or txt file ?

To perform MCMC on a better computer, I have to save my model on one and using it in a new workspace. But I've some difficulty to use "save()" and "load()" function on R. Thanks for your advices.


I tried:

jags <- jags.model('regression.bug', data = my.data, n.chains = 4, n.adapt = 1000)

Then I would like save "jags"

save( jags , file="jags.RData")

It's look like if it's saved. But, when I try:

ld.jags <- load( "jags.RData" )


[1] "jags"

And I don't know How I could use "ld.jags" to perform my analysis.


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