在实现堆结构时,我们可以将数据存储在一个数组中,使得位置 i 的节点的子节点位于位置 2i 和 2i+1。




7 回答 7



  1. 因为使用指针更容易动态地增加数据结构的大小

  2. 我发现维护 bin 树比维护堆更容易

  3. 在树中平衡、删除、插入元素的算法将只改变指针,而不像在向量中那样物理移动。


于 2010-01-08T13:40:02.470 回答



  • 如果数组绑定二叉树大部分为空,则大部分数组空间都被浪费了。

  • 如果只有一些树的分支足够深,可以到达数组的“底部”,那么也会浪费很多空间。

  • 如果树(或仅一个分支)需要增长到比数组允许的大小“更深”,这将需要“增长”数组,这通常是通过复制到更大的数组来实现的。这是一个耗时的操作。


于 2010-01-08T13:39:21.467 回答

Mainly because the recursive tree allows for very simple code. If you flatten the tree into an array, the code becomes really complex because you have to do a lot of bookkeeping which the recursive algorithm does for you.

Also, a tree of height N can have anything between N and 2^(N+1)-1 nodes (. Only the actual nodes will need memory. If you use an array, you must always allocate space for all nodes (even the empty ones) unless you use a sparse array (which would make the code even more complex). So while it is easy to keep a sparse tree of height 100 in memory, it would be problematic to find a computer which can allocate 20282409603651670423947251286008 bytes of RAM.

于 2010-01-08T13:43:33.290 回答

To insert an element into a heap, you can place it anywhere and swap it with its parent until the heap constraint is valid again. Swap-with-parent is an operation that keeps the binary tree structure of the heap intact. This means a heap of size N will be represented as an N-cell array, and you can add a new element in logarithmic time.

A binary search tree can be represented as an array of size N using the same representation structure as a heap (children 2n and 2n+1), but inserting an element this way is a lot harder, because unlike the heap constraint, the binary search tree constraint requires rotations to be performed to retrieve a balanced tree. So, either you do manage to keep an N-node tree in an N-cell array at a cost higher than logarithmic, or you waste space by keeping the tree in a larger array (if my memory serves, a red-back tree could waste as much as 50% of your array).

So, a binary search tree in an array is only interesting if the data inside is constant. And if it is, then you don't need the heap structure (children 2n and 2n+1) : you can just sort your array and use binary search.

于 2010-01-08T13:44:48.833 回答

据我所知,我们可以使用 Array 来表示二叉搜索树。但是使用指针更灵活。

于 2010-01-08T13:38:37.090 回答


对此的参考是 Goldberg 和 Tarjan 的算法,该算法关于有效计算有向图中的最优网络流,iirc。

于 2010-01-08T13:52:35.563 回答

与 BST 不同,堆数据结构是完全二叉树。因此,使用数组对 BST 没有多大用处。

于 2020-04-21T10:13:23.397 回答