I have search google for "top 3"/"top 5" and latest news, about the extension TX_News and i can't find any guides how to show a custom top 3 or 5 news, with typoscript inside a lib.

If u look at the bottom of www.codem.dk I want to show the latest 3 or 5 news in the middle of the footer "Seneste indlæg", but I can't find a tutorial showing or guide, how to do this.

Do someone have some info how to do this ?

Im running TYPO3 v. 6.1 with FLUID/EXTBASE.


2 回答 2


The easiest way would be to set up a plugin on a hidden page/maybe a folder and set all the options in the FlexForm: - limit to 3 news - sort by given date descending - maybe only show top news if you're using this feature

Then you just use the RECORD cObject to assign your plugin to a lib:

lib.latestNews = RECORDS
lib.latestNews.source = [content uid]
lib.latestNews.dontCheckPid = 1
lib.latestNews.tables = tt_content
于 2013-11-28T20:52:14.780 回答

What do you mean with "top 3" news? how do you get to this order? If this is a custom field in the tx_news_domain_model table, you can of course use this for the ordering and set a limit to 3 or 5.

于 2013-11-29T13:03:31.447 回答