如果我正确理解您希望每一行具有相同的高度,基于最高的 div,而每一行具有相同的类名值,例如foo
,那么下面的代码就是这样做的。这个想法是检查调整大小的元素的父级,如果父级发生变化,即在调整第二个 div 的大小时div.row
$.fn.eqHeights = function(options) {
var defaults = {
child: false ,
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var el = $(this);
if (el.length > 0 && !el.data('eqHeights')) {
$(window).bind('resize.eqHeights', function() {
el.data('eqHeights', true);
if( options.child && options.child.length > 0 ){
var elmtns = $(options.child, this);
} else {
var elmtns = $(this).children();
var prevTop = 0;
var max_height = 0;
var elements = [];
var parentEl;
elmtns.height('auto').each(function() {
if(options.parentSelector && parentEl !== $(this).parents(options.parentSelector).get(0)){
max_height = 0;
prevTop = 0;
parentEl = $(this).parents(options.parentSelector).get(0);
var thisTop = this.offsetTop;
if (prevTop > 0 && prevTop != thisTop) {
max_height = $(this).height();
elements = [];
max_height = Math.max(max_height, $(this).height());
prevTop = this.offsetTop;
// run on load so it gets the size:
// can't have the same pattern for some reason or it scans the page and makes all the same height. Each row should be separate but it doesn't work that way.
$(window).load(function() {
$('.foo [class*="eq-"]').eqHeights({parentSelector:'.foo'});
/*$('.foo2 [class*="eq-"]').eqHeights();*/