我对 Haskell 还很陌生,但我正在尝试学习一点。我决定写一个简单的自制计算器作为一个练习项目,我正在寻找一些帮助来更好地建模它。
捣碎。_ 这基本上是在水中添加谷物。谷物是一种可发酵的,也是迄今为止我的代码中唯一的一种。
initiateMash >>= addFermentable xxx >>= addFermentable yyy >>= sparge >>= addHops zzz >>= boil Minutes 60 >>= Drink!
我最初的想法是以某种方式制作 Monad 的组件实例,但我无法弄清楚。然后我尝试制作某种 brew step 类型,它是 monad,有点像这样:
data BrewOperation a = Boiling a | Sparging a -- etc
instance Monad BrewOperation where ????
另外,关于新类型。在一个地方我想添加两个 Duration:s 但由于我没有加法运算符,我想知道处理它的最佳方法是什么。我应该让它成为“Num a”类的一个实例吗?
这是我到目前为止编写的一些代码。-- 单位 newtype 重量 = Grams Integer newtype Volume = Milliliters Integer newtype Bitterness = IBU Integer newtype Duration = Minutes Integer
type Percentage = Integer
type Efficiency = Percentage
type Density = Float
type ABV = Percentage
-- Components
data Fermentable =
Grain { name :: String, fermentableContent :: Percentage } -- TODO: use content to calculate efficiency
data Hops = Hops { hopname :: String, alphacontent :: Percentage }
data Mash = Mash { fermentables :: [(Fermentable, Weight)], water :: Volume }
data Wort = Wort Mash Volume Density
data HoppedWort = HoppedWort { wort :: Wort, hops :: [(Hops, Duration)] }
data Beer = Beer HoppedWort Bitterness ABV
-- Operations
initiateMash :: Volume -> Mash
initiateMash vol = Mash { fermentables = [], water = vol }
addFermentable :: Fermentable -> Weight -> Mash -> Mash
addFermentable ferm wt mash =
Mash {
fermentables = (ferm, wt) : fermentables mash,
water = water mash
sparge :: Mash -> Volume -> Density -> Wort
sparge mash vol density = Wort mash vol density
addHops :: Wort -> Hops -> HoppedWort
addHops :: HoppedWort -> Hops -> HoppedWort
boil :: HoppedWort -> Duration -> HoppedWort
boil hoppedwort boilDuration =
let addDuration :: Duration -> (Hops, Duration) -> (Hops, Duration)
addDuration (Minutes boilTime) (h, Minutes d) = (h, Minutes $ d + boilTime)
hoppedwort { hops = map (addDuration boilDuration) $ hops hoppedwort} -- TODO, calculate boiloff and new density
ferment :: HoppedWort -> Density -> Beer
ferment hoppedwort finalgravity = Beer hoppedwort (IBU 0) 5 -- TODO: calculate IBU from (hops,dur) and ABV from gravity