根据部分类的MSDN 文档:



// Definition in file1.cs
partial void Method1();

// Implementation in file2.cs
partial void Method1()
  // method body


// Definition in file1.cs
public partial void Method1();

// Implementation in file2.cs
public partial void Method1()
  // method body



9 回答 9


部分方法必须在编译时完全可解析。如果它们在编译时不存在,则它们在输出中完全丢失。部分方法起作用的全部原因是删除它们对单行调用站点之外的 API 或程序流没有影响(这也是它们必须返回 void 的原因)。

当您向公共 API 添加方法时 - 您正在为其他对象定义合同。由于部分方法的全部意义在于使其成为可选方法,因此您基本上会说:“我有一个可以依赖的合同。哦等等,不过,您不能依赖这种方法。”

为了使公共 API 合理,partial 方法必须要么总是存在,要么总是消失——在这种情况下,它不应该是局部的。


于 2010-01-08T01:47:47.687 回答

与其问他们为什么是 private,不如将问题改写为:

  • 如果部分方法不是私有的会发生什么?


public partial class Calculator
    public int Divide(int dividend, int divisor)
            return dividend / divisor;
        catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
            return 0;

    partial void HandleException(ArithmeticException ex);

让我们暂时忽略为什么我们将其设为部分方法而不是抽象方法的问题(我会回到那个问题)。重要的是,无论该HandleException方法是否实现,它都能编译并正常工作。如果没有人实现它,这只会吃掉异常并返回 0。


public partial class Calculator
    // Snip other methods

    // Invalid code
    partial protected virtual void HandleException(ArithmeticException ex);

public class LoggingCalculator : Calculator
    protected override virtual void HandleException(ArithmeticException ex)

    private void LogException(ArithmeticException ex) { ... }





而且我什至还没有开始谈论基类和派生类在不同程序集中的可能性。如果您使用包含“公共”部分方法的基类引用程序集,并尝试在另一个程序集的派生类中覆盖它,会发生什么情况?基础方法是否存在?如果最初实现了该方法,并且我们针对它编写了一堆代码,但有人决定删除该实现怎么办?编译器无法从引用类中剔除部分方法调用,因为就编译器而言,该方法从一开始就不存在. 它不存在,它不再存在于已编译程序集的 IL 中。所以现在,简单地通过删除部分方法的实现,它应该没有不良影响,我们已经破坏了一大堆依赖代码。

现在有些人可能会说,“那又怎样,我知道我不会尝试用部分方法来做这些非法的事情。” 您必须了解的是,分部方法(很像分部类)主要用于帮助简化代码生成任务。您不太可能想自己编写部分方法period。另一方面,对于机器生成的代码,代码的使用者实际上很可能希望在不同的位置“注入”代码,而部分方法提供了一种干净的方式来执行此操作。

这就是问题所在。如果由于部分方法引入了编译时错误的可能性,那么您已经创建了代码生成器生成的代码无法编译的情况。这是一个非常非常糟糕的情况。想想如果你最喜欢的设计器工具——比如 Linq to SQL,或者 Winforms 或 ASP.NET 设计器,突然开始生成有时无法编译的代码,你会怎么做因为其他一些程序员创建了一些你以前从未见过的其他类,恰好与部分方法变得有点过于亲密?

最后,它确实归结为一个更简单的问题:公共/受保护的部分方法会添加哪些您已经无法使用抽象方法完成的功能?partials 背后的想法是你可以把它们放在具体的类上,它们仍然可以编译。或者更确切地说,它们不会编译,但它们也不会产生错误,它们将被完全忽略。但是,如果您希望它们被公开调用,那么它们就不再是真正的“可选”了,并且如果您希望它们在派生类中被覆盖,那么您不妨将其设为抽象或虚拟和空。除了混淆编译器和试图理解这一切的可怜的混蛋之外,公共或受保护的部分方法实际上没有任何用处。


于 2010-03-19T03:05:16.927 回答

因为 MS 编译器团队没有实现此功能的要求。

这是 MS 内部发生的一个可能场景,因为 VS 使用代码生成来实现它的许多功能,有一天一位 MS 代码生成开发人员决定他/她需要有部分方法,以便代码生成的 api 可以扩展局外人,这一要求导致编译器团队采取行动并交付。

于 2010-03-24T03:24:09.277 回答




于 2010-01-08T01:02:00.493 回答

Reed's and Slak's answers are entirely correct but you seem unwilling to accept their answers.

I will thus try to explain why partial methods are implemented with these restrictions.

Partial methods are for implementing certain sorts of code gen scenarios with maximal efficiency, both in execution time and in meta data overhead. The last part is the real reason for them since they are attempting to make them (in Erics words) "Pay for play".

When partial methods were added the JIT was entirely capable of inlining an empty method, and thus it having zero runtime effort at the call sites. The problem is that even then there is a cost involved which is that the meta data for the class will have these empty methods increasing their size (needlessly) as well as forcing some more effort during the JITing process to deal with optimizing them away.

Whilst you may not worry too much this cost (and indeed many people won't notice it at all) it does make a big difference to code where startup cost matters, or where disk/memory is constrained. You may have noticed the now mandatory use of .Net on windows mobile 7 and the Zune, in these areas bloat on type metadata is a considerable cost.

Thus partial methods are designed such that, if they are never used they have absolutely zero cost, they cease to exist in the output in any way. This comes with some significant constraints to ensure this does not result in bugs.

Taken from the msdn page with my notes.

  • ...the method must return void.
  • Partial methods can have ref but not out parameters.

Otherwise removing the call to them may leave you with an undefined problem of what to replace the assignment with.

  • Partial methods cannot be extern, because the presence of the body determines whether they are defining or implementing.
  • You can make a delegate to a partial method that has been defined and implemented, but not to a partial method that has only been defined.

These follow from the fact the compiler needs to know if it's defined or not, and thus is safe for removal. This leads us to the one you dislike.

  • Partial methods are implicitly private, and therefore they cannot be virtual.

Your metal model of this feature is that, if the compiler knows that a partial method is implemented then it should simply allow the partial method to be public (and virtual for that matter) since it can check that you implemented the method.

Were you to change the feature to do this you have two options:

  1. Force all non private partial methods to require implementation.

    • simple and not likely to involve much effort but then any such methods are no longer partial in the meaningful sense of the original plan.
  2. Any method declared public is simply deleted if it was not implemented in the assembly.

    • This allows the partial removal to be applied
    • It requires quite a lot more effort by the compiler (to detect all references to the method rather than simply needing to look in the composed class itself)
    • The IntelliSense implementation is a bit confused, should the method be shown? sown only when it's been given a definition?
    • Overload resolution becomes much more complex since you need to decide whether a call to such a method with no definition is either a) a compile time failure or b) results in the selection of the next best option if available.
    • Side effects within expressions at the call sites are already complex in the private only case. This is mitigated somewhat by the assumption that partial implementations already exhibit a high degree of coupling. This change would increase the potential for coupling.
    • This has rather complex failure modes in that public methods could be silently deleted by some innocuous change in the original assembly. Other assemblies depending on this one would fail (at compile time) but with a very confusing error (without considerable effort this would apply even to projects in the same solution).

Solution 1 is simply pointless, it adds effort and is of no benefit to the original goals. Worse it may actually hinder the original goals since someone using partial methods this way may not realise they are gaining no reduction in metadata. Also someone may become confused about the errors that result from failing to supply the definition.

That leaves us with solution 2. This solution involves effort (and every feature starts with -100) so it must add some compelling benefit to get it over the -100 (and the additional negatives added for the confusion caused by not the additional edge cases). What scenarios can you come up with to get things positive?

Your motivating example in the comments above was to "have comments/and or attributes in a different file"

The motivation for XML comments was entirely to increase the locality of documentation and code. If their verbosity is high then outlining exists to mitigate this. My opinion is that this is not sufficient to merit the feature.

The ability to push attributes to a separate location is not in my view that useful, in fact I think having to look in two locations is more confusing. The current private only implementation has this problem too, but it is inevitable and again is mitigated somewhat by the assumption that high coupling that is not visible outside of the class is not as bad as high coupling external to the class.

If you can demonstrate some other compelling reason I'm sure it would be interesting, but the negatives to overcome are considerable.

于 2010-03-20T19:53:19.247 回答


我有一个代码生成器,可以生成序列化代码和其他样板代码。特别是,它为每个属性生成一个“重置”方法,以便像 VS 这样的设计者可以将其值恢复为原始值。在此方法的代码中,我生成了对部分方法 Repaint() 的调用。


问题是,有时,对象中存在 Repaint 方法的目的不是从生成的代码中调用,此时,当我声明方法主体时,我应该能够将其设为内部、受保护或公共。此时我正在定义方法,是的,我将在此处记录等,而不是在我生成的声明中,而是在我手工制作的声明中。它也在生成的代码中定义的事实不应该影响这一点。



于 2011-03-30T19:10:08.523 回答


//partial class with public modifier
public partial class Sample 
    partial void Display();

public partial class Sample
    partial void Display() { }



// referred partial method which doesn't have implementation 
var sample = new Sample();
于 2017-05-11T22:27:19.953 回答

原因很简单,部分方法不是公开的,因为它们是实现细节。它们主要是为了支持与设计器相关的场景,而不是作为受支持的公共 API 的一部分。非公共方法在这里工作得很好。

允许部分方法公开是一项功能。功能具有内在成本,包括设计、测试、开发等……部分方法只是在非常紧凑的 Visual Studio 2008 中添加的众多功能之一。它们的范围尽可能小以适应场景以便离开为更紧迫的功能提供空间,例如 LINQ。

于 2010-03-23T22:24:51.033 回答

不确定这是否会回答你的问题,它确实回答了我的问题。 部分方法


如果您被允许返回某些东西,并且反过来将其用作 CallMyMethods 函数的返回值,那么当未实现部分方法时您会遇到麻烦。

于 2010-01-08T01:00:36.050 回答