有什么建议如何根据参数存在创建条件 mixin?例如,我需要验证是否传递了所有参数以执行某些操作,例如:
.margin (@margintop:0,@marginbottom:0,@marginright:0,@marginleft:0) {
// if @marginright:0 or @marginleft:0 are passed do that...
// else...
有什么建议如何根据参数存在创建条件 mixin?例如,我需要验证是否传递了所有参数以执行某些操作,例如:
.margin (@margintop:0,@marginbottom:0,@marginright:0,@marginleft:0) {
// if @marginright:0 or @marginleft:0 are passed do that...
// else...
.margin(@top, @bottom, @right, @left) {
/* right and left are passed */
.margin(@top, @bottom) {
/* right and left are not passed */
.margin() {
/* no arguments passed */
// etc.
请注意,这些混入中的每一个都可以重用其他混入,例如.margin(@top, @bottom)
可以为“无左右情况”做一些特殊的事情,然后调用.margin(@top, @bottom, 0, 0)
.margin(@top: undefined, @bottom: undefined, @right: undefined, @left: undefined) {
.test-args() when (@right = undefined) {
/* right is not passed */
.test-args() when (@left = undefined) {
/* left is not passed */
when not(@right = undefined)
and not(@left = undefined) {
/* right and left are passed */
// etc.
.margin(@args...) {
.eval-args(length(@args)); // requires LESS 1.5.+
.eval-args(@nargs) {
// default values:
@top: not passed;
@bottom: not passed;
@right: not passed;
@left: not passed;
.eval-args(@nargs) when (@nargs > 0) {
@top: extract(@args, 1);
.eval-args(@nargs) when (@nargs > 1) {
@bottom: extract(@args, 2);
.eval-args(@nargs) when (@nargs > 2) {
@right: extract(@args, 3);
.eval-args(@nargs) when (@nargs > 3) {
@left: extract(@args, 4);
args: @top, @bottom, @right, @left;