使用:通用分析 (analytics.js)
我目前正在通过在 pageView 上触发不同的事件来测试整个站点的用户体验。在给定的 pageView 上,可能会触发多个事件。
是否可以从 Google Analytics API 查询事件流?如果没有,是否有任何变通方法可以让我们量化不同流量的影响?
使用:通用分析 (analytics.js)
我目前正在通过在 pageView 上触发不同的事件来测试整个站点的用户体验。在给定的 pageView 上,可能会触发多个事件。
是否可以从 Google Analytics API 查询事件流?如果没有,是否有任何变通方法可以让我们量化不同流量的影响?
There isnt a way of doing it with the API. I want to start by saying i havent tried doing this I am just going on what i would do if i did want to attempt to do this.
The flow apears to start with any of the normal dimensions country for example. My first idea was the ga:goalpreviousstep1 dimensiosn then i remembered they cant be queried with other dimensions.
I would look into ga:previousPagePath and ga:nextPagePath see what they come back with. queried along with your goal or event they might give you an idea of what the user was doing.