我需要帮助向我使用 raphael.js 修改的这个圆环图脚本添加标记。除了动态生成三角形标记的方法外,我已经准备好一切。
JSFiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/aP7MK/73/
function donutChart(total, goal, avg){
var paper = Raphael("canvas", 400, 400);
paper.customAttributes.arc = function (xloc, yloc, value, total, R) {
var alpha = 360 / total * value,
a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180,
x = xloc + R * Math.cos(a),
y = yloc - R * Math.sin(a),
if (total == value) {
path = [
["M", xloc, yloc - R],
["A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, xloc - 0.01, yloc - R]
} else {
path = [
["M", xloc, yloc - R],
["A", R, R, 0, +(alpha > 180), 1, x, y]
return {
path: path
var backCircle = paper.circle(100, 100, 40).attr({
"stroke": "#7BC2E5",
"stroke-width": 14
var theArc = paper.path().attr({
"stroke": "#f5f5f5",
"stroke-width": 14,
arc: [100, 100, 0, 100, 40]
//event fired on each animation frame
eve.on("raphael.anim.frame.*", onAnimate);
//text in the middle
theText = paper.text(100, 100, "0%").attr({
"font-size": 18,
"fill": "#f5f5f5",
"font-weight": "bold"
//the animated arc
theArc.rotate(0, 100, 100).animate({
arc: [100, 100, ((total/goal) * 100), 100, 40]
}, 1900);
//on each animation frame we change the text in the middle
function onAnimate() {
var howMuch = theArc.attr("arc");
theText.attr("text", Math.floor(howMuch[2]) + "%");
donutChart(80, 140, 40);
我不担心样式,只需要标记元素的帮助,这将表示传递给 donutChart 函数的 avg 参数在图表中的位置。