{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
GADTs #-}
module Main where
-- from the data kinds page, with HCons replaced with :+:
data HList :: [*] -> * where
HNil :: HList '[]
(:+:) :: a -> HList t -> HList (a ': t)
infixr 8 :+:
instance Show (HList '[]) where
show _ = "[]"
instance (Show a, Show (HList t)) => Show (HList (a ': t)) where
show (x :+: xs) = show x ++ " : " ++ show xs
class ISum a where
isum :: Integral t => a -> t
instance ISum (HList '[]) where
isum _ = 0
instance (Integral a, ISum (HList t)) => ISum (HList (a ': t)) where
isum (x :+: xs) = fromIntegral x + isum xs
-- explicit type signatures just to check if I got them right
alist :: HList '[Integer]
alist = (3::Integer) :+: HNil
blist :: HList '[Integer,Int]
blist = (3::Integer) :+: (3::Int) :+: HNil
main :: IO ()
main = do
print alist
print (isum alist :: Int)
print blist
print (isum blist :: Integer)
:i HList
data HList $a where
HNil :: HList ('[] *)
(:+:) :: a -> (HList t) -> HList ((':) * a t)
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:10:6
instance Show (HList ('[] *)) -- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:17:10
instance (Show a, Show (HList t)) => Show (HList ((':) * a t))
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:19:10
instance ISum (HList ('[] *)) -- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:25:10
instance (Integral a, ISum (HList t)) => ISum (HList ((':) * a t))
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:29:10
*Main> :i HList
data HList $a where
HNil :: HList ('[] *)
(:+:) :: a -> (HList t) -> HList ((':) * a t)
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:10:6
instance Show (HList ('[] *)) -- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:17:10
instance (Show a, Show (HList t)) => Show (HList ((':) * a t))
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:19:10
instance ISum (HList ('[] *)) -- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:25:10
instance (Integral a, ISum (HList t)) => ISum (HList ((':) * a t))
-- Defined at /tmp/test.hs:29:10
的是糖 for'[] *
和x ': y
for (':) * x y