我正在尝试通过python-docx和 django 创建一个 docx 文件。

example-makedocument.py直接使用 python运行示例脚本 ( ) 即可。又名“工作副本”。它按预期生成示例 docx 文件。

然后我所做的是尝试将该example-makedocument.py代码移动到 Django 视图中。这篇文章底部的代码是该视图的代码。你会看到我预先做了一些小的修改,但通常没有改变。


[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'image1.png'


  • 确保文件夹/文件结构与工作副本相同(它需要其子文件夹才能正常工作)
  • 我已经尝试将 docx.py 硬编码template_dir到保存文件夹/文件的位置(我已经检查这些结果是否指向与工作副本相同的最终路径)
  • 我已从示例中删除了图像,但会导致错误local variable 'contenttypes' referenced before assignment


此处提供完整的 python-docx 代码。


from myapp.libs.docx.docx import *
# ** commented out below line, replaced with above **
#from docx import *

def export_docx(request):

# ** commented out below line **
#if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Default set of relationshipships - the minimum components of a document
    relationships = relationshiplist()

    # Make a new document tree - this is the main part of a Word document
    document = newdocument()

    # This xpath location is where most interesting content lives
    body = document.xpath('/w:document/w:body', namespaces=nsprefixes)[0]

    # Append two headings and a paragraph
    body.append(heading("Welcome to Python's docx module", 1))
    body.append(heading('Make and edit docx in 200 lines of pure Python', 2))
    body.append(paragraph('The module was created when I was looking for a '
        'Python support for MS Word .doc files on PyPI and Stackoverflow. '
        'Unfortunately, the only solutions I could find used:'))

    # Add a numbered list
    points = [ 'COM automation'
             , '.net or Java'
             , 'Automating OpenOffice or MS Office'
    for point in points:
        body.append(paragraph(point, style='ListNumber'))
    body.append(paragraph('For those of us who prefer something simpler, I '
                          'made docx.'))
    body.append(heading('Making documents', 2))
    body.append(paragraph('The docx module has the following features:'))

    # Add some bullets
    points = ['Paragraphs', 'Bullets', 'Numbered lists',
              'Multiple levels of headings', 'Tables', 'Document Properties']
    for point in points:
        body.append(paragraph(point, style='ListBullet'))

    body.append(paragraph('Tables are just lists of lists, like this:'))
    # Append a table
    tbl_rows = [ ['A1', 'A2', 'A3']
               , ['B1', 'B2', 'B3']
               , ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']

    body.append(heading('Editing documents', 2))
    body.append(paragraph('Thanks to the awesomeness of the lxml module, '
                          'we can:'))
    points = [ 'Search and replace'
             , 'Extract plain text of document'
             , 'Add and delete items anywhere within the document'
    for point in points:
        body.append(paragraph(point, style='ListBullet'))

    # Add an image
    relationships, picpara = picture(relationships, 'image1.png',
                                     'This is a test description')

    # Search and replace
    print 'Searching for something in a paragraph ...',
    if search(body, 'the awesomeness'):
        print 'found it!'
        print 'nope.'

    print 'Searching for something in a heading ...',
    if search(body, '200 lines'):
        print 'found it!'
        print 'nope.'

    print 'Replacing ...',
    body = replace(body, 'the awesomeness', 'the goshdarned awesomeness')
    print 'done.'

    # Add a pagebreak
    body.append(pagebreak(type='page', orient='portrait'))

    body.append(heading('Ideas? Questions? Want to contribute?', 2))
    body.append(paragraph('Email <python.docx@librelist.com>'))

    # Create our properties, contenttypes, and other support files
    title    = 'Python docx demo'
    subject  = 'A practical example of making docx from Python'
    creator  = 'Mike MacCana'
    keywords = ['python', 'Office Open XML', 'Word']

    coreprops = coreproperties(title=title, subject=subject, creator=creator,
    appprops = appproperties()
    contenttypes = contenttypes()
    websettings = websettings()
    wordrelationships = wordrelationships(relationships)

    # Save our document
    savedocx(document, coreprops, appprops, contenttypes, websettings,
             wordrelationships, 'Welcome to the Python docx module.docx')



docx.py 代码假设路径与原来不同。这导致 image1.png 文件“丢失”。完成以下步骤为我解决了这个问题。

  1. 编辑 docx.py 文件并添加一个变量:

    docx_dir = '/path/to/docx/文件夹'

  2. 编辑以下行(docx.py)以使用上述变量(显示的大约行号,与原始来源略有不同)

    1. shutil.copyfile(加入(docx_dir,picname),加入(media_dir,picname))
    2. 像素宽度,像素高度 = Image.open(join(docx_dir, picname)).size[0:2]
  3. 以上摆脱了路径问题。但现在我面临着错误local variable 'contenttypes' referenced before assignment。我发现错误不是通过与路径有关的任何事情解决的,而是通过重复名称解决的(我不完全理解为什么仍然如此)。



contenttypes = contenttypes()
websettings = websettings()
wordrelationships = wordrelationships(relationships)


contentt = contenttypes()
webs = websettings()
wordr = wordrelationships(relationships)

# Save our document
savedocx(document, coreprops, appprops, contentt, webs,
         wordr, 'Welcome to the Python docx module.docx')

2 回答 2


image1.png必须在正在运行的 Python 程序的当前目录中,或者作为到正在运行的程序的当前目录的相对路径给出,或者可移植性较差,但可能更容易工作,它可以作为绝对路径给出。

特别是,我认为您可能会发现这篇文章中给出的答案最有帮助:Python 在使用 WSGI 和 Apache 运行时的工作目录(用于动态计算image.png.

于 2013-11-26T07:40:25.940 回答

自上面编写的代码以来,python-docx 模块发生了一些变化。现在,在 django 中添加图像将是这样的:

from docx import *
from docx.shared import Inches
document = Document()
document.add_picture((r'%s/static/images/my-header.png' % (settings.PROJECT_PATH)), width=Inches(4))
于 2014-06-09T14:29:51.427 回答