


好的解决方案是将布局信息保存在数据库表中。它也应该被缓存,我猜想从数据库中取出负载并在 CSS 中使用。




在视图中,从数据库中获取 userId(Guid 类型)并将其设置为 ViewData: ViewData["userId"] = profile.userId;

该视图使用以下名为“Profile.Master”的 MasterPage 并链接到动态 CSS 文件:

    <link href="<%= Url.Action("Style", "Profile", 
        ViewData["userId"]) %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

在 ProfileController 中,从 DB 中获取 CSS 数据并将其返回给动态 CSS 视图:

public ActionResult Style(Guid userId)
    var styles = (from s in Db.UserStyleSet.OfType<UserStyle>()
                  where s.aspnet_Users.UserId == userId
                  select s);

    return View("Style", styles);

问题是 UserId 永远不会传递给动态 CSS 链接:

参数字典包含“Project.Controllers.ProfileController”中方法“System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Style(System.Guid)”的不可空类型“System.Guid”的参数“userId”的空条目。



4 回答 4


您可以在 Rob Conery 开发的 Kona 项目中找到非常简洁的布局自定义功能。当您运行可以在此处找到的源代码时,您将看到布局管理 UI,它允许您更改每个组件在屏幕上的位置。


  1. 当页面呈现时,我们的自定义视图引擎检查应该显示哪个母版页(这样我们就可以根据当前设置切换主题)

        public override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache) {
        ViewEngineResult result = null;
        var request = controllerContext.RequestContext;
        if (controllerContext.Controller.GetType().BaseType == typeof(KonaController)) {
            var orchardController = controllerContext.Controller as KonaController;
            string template = orchardController.ThemeName;
  2. 视图引擎使用母版页并呈现由使用路由表解析的特定控制器操作定义的视图。例如,我们键入指向 Home Controller 的站点的主 url,Index 方法。此方法返回由视图引擎呈现的 Index.aspx 视图。

  3. 当视图引擎呈现 Index.aspx 页面时,它会启动辅助方法,例如

    <%this.RenderWidgets("sidebar1"); %>。

此方法真正负责为 aspx 页面中的每个 div 呈现特定的小部件。这样,如果您的用户更改了小部件的布局,它们将正确地呈现在屏幕上。

        public static void RenderWidgets(this ViewPage pg,  Kona.Infrastructure.Page page, bool useEditor, string zone) {
        if (page != null) {
            foreach (IWidget widget in page.Widgets.Where(x => x.Zone.Equals(zone, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) {

                string viewName = useEditor ? widget.EditorName : widget.ViewName;

                if (widget.ViewName != null) {
                    if (widget.IsTyped) {
                        var typedWidget = widget as Widget<IList<Product>>;
                        pg.Html.RenderPartial(viewName, typedWidget);
                    } else {
                        pg.Html.RenderPartial(viewName, widget);
                } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(widget.Title)) {
                    pg.Html.RenderPartial("TitleAndText", widget);

                } else {
                    pg.Html.RenderPartial("TextOnly", widget);

用户如何能够更改布局?Kona 有非常简洁的 javascript,它与 Ajax 一起使用,用户只需将小部件从一个面板拖放到另一个面板即可重新排列布局。

于 2010-01-09T22:02:45.493 回答

How much customisation do you need? Storing an entire css in the database 1 style at a time seems a little overkill, are you sure your users really need / want that level of customisation?

Wouldn't it be simpler to present a list of themes, allow the user to select the one they want and then store that information with the user profile so that when you retrieve the profile details you also retrieve the theme. This information can then be used to select the appropriate master as well as passed to the view to render the correct stylesheet(s).

If you really want to allow extreme customisation down to the individual style level, I would use a default css and then when the user customises their layout, copy the default and alter as necessary, creating a custom css for the user. Each time the user updates their profile layout, simply update the css file with the changes. To get around css caching, record an incrementing version number for each change and append that to the end of the url for the css e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="user001.css?v=2>.

于 2010-01-11T19:04:59.663 回答

您可以使用 CMS 框架。请参阅此问题以获取建议

于 2010-01-07T14:22:31.927 回答

您可以动态构建 CSS 文件并将 css 名称保存在用户的数据库条目中。

于 2010-01-07T22:50:35.673 回答