I'm looking at setting up a small company that hosts flash-based websites for artist portfolios. The customer control panel would be django-powered, and would provide the interface for uploading their images, managing galleries, selling prints, etc.

Seeing as the majority of traffic to the hosted sites would end up at their top level domain, this would result in only static media hits (the HTML page with the embedded flash movie), I could set up lighttpd or nginx to handle those requests, and pass the django stuff back to apache/mod_whatever.

Seems as if I could set this all up on one box, with the django sites framework keeping each site's admin separate.

I'm not much of a server admin. Are there any gotchas I'm not seeing?


3 回答 3



就提供内容而言,您似乎可以提供一个通用(静态)Flash 文件,该文件使用动态 XML 文件来填充内容。如果您使用 Django 生成 XML,那将为您提供所需的动态内容。

于 2008-10-21T03:44:54.170 回答

这个 django 片段可能是您将它们分开所需要的:



于 2008-11-09T00:32:27.770 回答

根据您要托管的站点数量,使用管理员编写一次单个 Django 应用程序并为每个新站点创建一个单独的 Django 项目可能会更容易。这很简单,它确实有效,并且作为额外的好处,您可以向新站点添加功能,而不会冒在旧站点中引起问题的风险。

再说一次,自定义管理员可能会更方便,这样您就可以将用户可以看到的对象数量限制为给定站点本身的对象。这很容易做到,尽管您可能希望使用 RequestSite 而不是站点框架中的常用站点,因为这需要为每个站点单独设置。

ModelAdmin 中存在这种方法,您可以覆盖它以手动控制正在编辑的对象。

于 2009-12-14T15:34:50.517 回答