2 questions:

1- Im trying to understand the Rate Based Adaptation Logic code (the complete cpp code is at the bottom), and I can't quite understand what getBufferedPercent function returns.

2- Is there place I can find proper documentations about this kind of functions?

here's RateBasedAdaptationLogic.cpp code:

    #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
# include "config.h"

#include "RateBasedAdaptationLogic.h"

using namespace dash::logic;
using namespace dash::xml;
using namespace dash::http;
using namespace dash::mpd;

RateBasedAdaptationLogic::RateBasedAdaptationLogic  (IMPDManager *mpdManager, stream_t *stream) :
                          AbstractAdaptationLogic   (mpdManager, stream),
                          mpdManager                (mpdManager),
                          count                     (0),
                          currentPeriod             (mpdManager->getFirstPeriod()),
                          width                     (0),
                          height                    (0)
    this->width  = var_InheritInteger(stream, "dash-prefwidth");
    this->height = var_InheritInteger(stream, "dash-prefheight");

Chunk*  RateBasedAdaptationLogic::getNextChunk()
    if(this->mpdManager == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if(this->currentPeriod == NULL)
        return NULL;

    uint64_t bitrate = this->getBpsAvg();

    if(this->getBufferPercent() < MINBUFFER)
        bitrate = 0;

    Representation *rep = this->mpdManager->getRepresentation(this->currentPeriod, bitrate, this->width, this->height);

    if ( rep == NULL )
        return NULL;

    std::vector<Segment *> segments = this->mpdManager->getSegments(rep);

    if ( this->count == segments.size() )
        this->currentPeriod = this->mpdManager->getNextPeriod(this->currentPeriod);
        this->count = 0;
        return this->getNextChunk();

    if ( segments.size() > this->count )
        Segment *seg = segments.at( this->count );
        Chunk *chunk = seg->toChunk();
        //In case of UrlTemplate, we must stay on the same segment.
        if ( seg->isSingleShot() == true )
        return chunk;
    return NULL;

const Representation *RateBasedAdaptationLogic::getCurrentRepresentation() const
    return this->mpdManager->getRepresentation( this->currentPeriod, this->getBpsAvg() );

1 回答 1


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于 2013-11-25T06:31:12.823 回答