The scenario: I'm merging a series of cherry-picked revisions from an SVN branch into trunk. I'm using the Subclipse CollabNet client to do the merge. Everything works great, except that in addition to the files I picked to merge, my working directory shows a series of changes that SVN thinks have changed but that I haven't chosen to merge.

If I do a diff on the files in question, it tells me there are no differences. If I do a commit, I get the screenshot below, with the mystery icon I haven't been able to find documentation of anywhere.

mystery decorator with green background and white triangle


1 回答 1


该图标表示对版本化的 SVN 属性进行了修改(不会出现在 Eclipse 差异 GUI 中)。在这种情况下,修改是针对 SVN 用于合并跟踪的 svn:mergeinfo 属性。



SVN 1.7 将在合并跟踪中进行行为更改,从而消除合并跟踪工作方式的这一意外方面。

于 2010-01-07T13:30:57.070 回答