Your "am I overthinking" question suggests me that you haven't found this to be an actual bottleneck by really profiling your code. So I'd say yes, you're just trying to do premature optimization.
However, if this really is a major performance-critical part of your application, then the only improvement I can think of right now is the following. Since squares of real numbers can never be negative, then "a squared is greater than zero" is equivalent with "a is not zero". So if comparisons are fast (well, that's relative -- faster than multiplication) on your architecture, then
if (a*a+b*b>0) {
can be written as
if (a || b) {
(provided that no corner cases arise. If the variables are signed integers or floating-point numbers representing real numbers, then this should be fine. If, however, there are some unsigned integer overflow or complex numbers involved, then you will have to perform additional checks, and at that point, it's hard to reason about the relative performance without true profiling.)
I don't have such a "clever" "optimization" for the second case in my mind, but perhaps someone else can come up with something similar -- if and only if it is absolutely necessary. Not otherwise -- code readability is preferred over performance when performance is not critical.