I am working with another developer on an applciation. Whenever one of us deletes a file that has been pulled down on the other workstation. TFS doesn't seem to pass down the files as deleted on the next get request.

Short story: I delete file -> Check in -> Team mate does get -> gets build errors due to the files still being on his local disk

Anyone know what we are doing wrong?

We are using local workspaces. We are checking in the delete. Everything we are doing is happening in Visual Studio. Not in a file explorer anywhere.

UPDATE: It has something to do with resharper 8 and TFS not playing well together. When I move a file or safe delete a file with resharper commands TFS doesn't recognize it (the green lock sign is not in solution explorer).


1 回答 1


我建议你check in your csproj file,他包含你项目中包含的所有文件,你的另一个开发人员得到最新的旧 csproj,所以你找到你的文件

于 2013-11-27T15:21:58.860 回答