I perform design in cache and it looks like it does not allow multiple insert, i.e.

insert into Ruler (...) values (...), values().... 


insert into Ruler (...) values (...), (....)

So I decided to create method to perform insert. The problem - it does not work. Each insert is fine. Delete also worked, but not insert. No error, just empty table.

Method Fill() As %Integer
    &sql(insert into Ruler (nameRuler, biography, idRuler) 
        values  ('Peter the Great','Born in Moscow, Russia on June 9, 1672, Peter the Great was a Russian czar in the late 17th century who is best known for his extensive reforms in an attempt to establish Russia as a great nation. He created a strong navy, reorganized his army according to Western standards, secularized schools, administered greater control over the reactionary Orthodox Church, and introduced new administrative and territorial divisions of the country.', 1)
    &sql(insert into Ruler (nameRuler, biography, idRuler) values ('Boris Godunov','was de facto regent of Russia from c. 1585 to 1598 and then the first non-Rurikid tsar from 1598 to 1605. The end of his reign saw Russia descend into the Time of Troubles.', 2))

    //&sql(delete from Ruler)   
    &sql(SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :count 
        FROM Ruler)

    Quit "Total: "_count

Any ideas???


1 回答 1


作为起点,Cache 不支持在单个语句中进行多次插入。

为了回答您关于失败的问题,我怀疑您被阻止执行插入,因为默认情况下,如果 ID 是自动分配的,缓存不允许插入 ID。您的代码没有对 SQLCODE 进行任何检查,因此要确认是否是这种情况非常棘手。

我强烈建议您的目标代码使用动态 SQL 来执行插入,因为这样更易于维护和执行错误检查。因此,您的代码可能如下所示:

ClassMethod Fill(Output pErrorMessage As %String) As %Integer
    Set pErrorMessage = ""
    Set tCount = 0
    Set tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    // If you want to use unqualified schema names then update the schema path
    Set tStatement.%SchemaPath = "MySchema,DEFAULT_SCHEMA"
    Set tStatus = tStatement.%Prepare("INSERT INTO Ruler (nameRuler, biography, idRuler) VALUES(?,?,?)")
    If $system.Status.IsError(tStatus) {
        Set pErrorMessage = $system.Status.GetErrorText(tStatus)
        Quit tCount
    Set tRS1 = tStatement.%Execute("Peter the Great", "Born ...", 1)
    If (tRS1.%SQLCODE = 0) { // no logic for SQLCODE = 100 as this is an INSERT
        Set tCount = tCount + tRS1.%ROWCOUNT
    Else {
        // Return an error
        Set pErrorMessage = "SQLCODE = " _ tRS1.%SQLCODE _ "; Message = " _ tRS1.%Message
        Quit tCount
    // Repeat for subsequent rows
    // ...
    Quit tCount

以上内容非常冗长,但如果您愿意,我可以为您提供使用嵌入式 SQL 检查插入的 SQL 代码的示例。

于 2013-11-23T16:55:24.597 回答