I have been using Rally for Project Management in my previous organization, and now I have to use Jira Agile for the same job in the new organization. I am having hard time understanding the way JIRA Agile works, and could not get a hang of the tool after a week of struggle. I am sorting expert help for what I would like to achieve. I have been using JIRA for many years as a bug logging tool but not as project management software.

All I want is to create an Epics and Stories, schedule it into a particular release or sprint. On Rally this is straight forward. Few images attached here. AT a glance story information Tasks in the story, and estimation Scrum Board

I could also see the burn-down once I do the above setup, and the developers/qa start burning down or burning up the hours.

I could not achieve the same on JIRA. It asks me to create a scrum board, but I don't have a clue on how to add the child tasks to a story without creating a new child task (which I don't prefer as the tasks were already created and few started progressing).

The scrum board is also not the way it is on Rally, as it does not list the stories but directly shows the tasks which I am unable to correlate with the story. Can any one point me to a proper tutorial or assist me based on your experience in JIRA? Thank you in advance.


2 回答 2


我可以推荐两件事,这可能会让你更容易地从以前的项目结构过渡:Jira 插件“结构”以及以定义和控制的方式使用史诗、故事和子任务。

关于插件: Structure 允许您定义一个结构,一个甚至可以跨越多个项目的容器,并允许您将问题放入其中。其次,更重要的是,它允许创建任意数量的子任务级别。您可以使用结构视图来显示和隐藏子级别,或者如果您使用敏捷板,您可以将快速过滤器应用于板。



于 2013-11-26T09:13:39.940 回答

您可能想查看https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/JIRA+Agile+101 - 它应该涵盖了大多数基础知识以帮助您前进。

于 2013-11-25T23:22:12.670 回答