我想根据提供的参数将 JSONStore 加载到适配器映射加载函数。让我更好地解释一下。

JSONStore 初始化是这样的:


    searchFields : {ENAME: 'string', EMPNO:'integer'},

    //-- Start optional adapter metadata
    adapter : {
        name: 'EmployeesDB',
        add: 'addEmployee',
        remove: 'deleteEmployee',
        replace: 'updateEmployee',
        load: {
            procedure: 'getEmployee',
            params: [region],
            key: 'resultSet'
    //-- End optional adapter metadata

//Initialize the people collection
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)

正如您在上面的代码中看到的那样,即使在将参数区域传递给适配器集合 init 之后,它是否应该在我的应用程序生命周期中发生变化,所以有时区域假设是 SOUTH,其他区域是 NORTH 等等.

我意识到,即使我在创建存储后更改了此值,适配器 getEmployee 中的映射加载函数(见下文)始终获取初始化 jsonstore 时包含的区域值,无论我稍后更改区域变量值。看起来适配器绑定 conf 在创建集合时得到,并且从不更改它

function getEmployee(data) {
    WL.Logger.info('Show param:'+data); 
    return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
        preparedStatement : selectStatement,
        parameters : []

有没有办法将参数传递给 Jsonstore 加载函数,该函数在存储初始化后可以更改?




1 回答 1


Try something like:

WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).adapter.load.params = ['...']

Before calling WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).load().

If you want more flexibility, you can always call WL.Client.invokeProcedure and inside the onSuccess callback you can call: WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).add(['...'], {push: false}). The push: false section will make sure JSONStore understands that the data added is up-to-date with the data on the backend. This means it won't show those documents when you call: WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).getPushRequired() or WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).push().

于 2013-11-22T20:33:18.790 回答