I have spent several hours, maybe days stucked on a very weird problem :(
I am creating an application that is based on the Wicket solution. It works perfectly in IE9,IE10, Chrome and FF. Strange is, that i have tested it in IE8 too and it works in 99% of cases (IE instances on different computers + totally identical version of IE8) too. But now the PROBLEM.
PROBLEM: I am creating dynamic content over AjaxLink button. After clicking the button the WebMarkupContainer model is changed and WebMarkupContainer is refreshed (based on Ajax, so the page isnt reloaded complete, but only the container is).
Every item in the container has added AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior. In onComponentTag method, i add tag.put("onchange","some jsFunctionCalling....");. The problem is, that after clicking on the item, no event is invoked. I have tried add the onchange listener over .add(new AttributeModifier.....), but the result is still same. As i have said, i tried the same code in the same version of IE on another PC and it works perfectly. Interesting is, that after refreh of the page everything work perfect, until new item to WebMarkupContainer is added. After that no item listeners work until the page is refreshed again.
One of the latest idea, that i got is, that problem isn't in the code, but in the settings of IE (maybe security). Have anybody any idea? What setting could be set different and cause these problems? Is there any settings on Wicket site, that can solved this? Is there some setting that can blocked registration of these listeners to DOM, if they are added dynamically over ajax?