我想用 pylucene 编写一个自定义分析器。通常在 java lucene 中,当你写一个分析器类时,你的类会继承 lucene 的 Analyzer 类。
但是 pylucene 使用 jcc ,即 java 到 c++/python 的编译器。
那么如何让 python 类使用 jcc 从 java 类继承,尤其是如何编写自定义 pylucene 分析器?
这是包装 EdgeNGram 过滤器的分析器示例。
import lucene
class EdgeNGramAnalyzer(lucene.PythonAnalyzer):
This is an example of a custom Analyzer (in this case an edge-n-gram analyzer)
EdgeNGram Analyzers are good for type-ahead
def __init__(self, side, minlength, maxlength):
side[enum] Can be one of lucene.EdgeNGramTokenFilter.Side.FRONT or lucene.EdgeNGramTokenFilter.Side.BACK
self.side = side
self.minlength = minlength
self.maxlength = maxlength
def tokenStream(self, fieldName, reader):
result = lucene.LowerCaseTokenizer(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, reader)
result = lucene.StandardFilter(result)
result = lucene.StopFilter(True, result, StopAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET)
result = lucene.ASCIIFoldingFilter(result)
result = lucene.EdgeNGramTokenFilter(result, self.side, self.minlength, self.maxlength)
return result
这是重新实现 PorterStemmer 的另一个示例
# This sample illustrates how to write an Analyzer 'extension' in Python.
# What is happening behind the scenes ?
# The PorterStemmerAnalyzer python class does not in fact extend Analyzer,
# it merely provides an implementation for Analyzer's abstract tokenStream()
# method. When an instance of PorterStemmerAnalyzer is passed to PyLucene,
# with a call to IndexWriter(store, PorterStemmerAnalyzer(), True) for
# example, the PyLucene SWIG-based glue code wraps it into an instance of
# PythonAnalyzer, a proper java extension of Analyzer which implements a
# native tokenStream() method whose job is to call the tokenStream() method
# on the python instance it wraps. The PythonAnalyzer instance is the
# Analyzer extension bridge to PorterStemmerAnalyzer.
More explanation...
Analyzers split up a chunk of text into tokens...
Analyzers are applied to an index globally (unless you use perFieldAnalyzer)
Analyzers implement Tokenizers and TokenFilters.
Tokenizers break up string into tokens. TokenFilters break of Tokens into more Tokens or filter out
import sys, os
from datetime import datetime
from lucene import *
from IndexFiles import IndexFiles
class PorterStemmerAnalyzer(PythonAnalyzer):
def tokenStream(self, fieldName, reader):
#There can only be 1 tokenizer in each Analyzer
result = StandardTokenizer(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, reader)
result = StandardFilter(result)
result = LowerCaseFilter(result)
result = PorterStemFilter(result)
result = StopFilter(True, result, StopAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit("requires at least one argument: lucene-index-path")
start = datetime.now()
IndexFiles(sys.argv[1], "index", PorterStemmerAnalyzer())
end = datetime.now()
print end - start
except Exception, e:
print "Failed: ", e
签 出 perFieldAnalyzerWrapper.java和 KeywordAnalyzerTest.py
analyzer = PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(SimpleAnalyzer())
analyzer.addAnalyzer("partnum", KeywordAnalyzer())
query = QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, "description",
analyzer).parse("partnum:Q36 AND SPACE")
scoreDocs = self.searcher.search(query, 50).scoreDocs