对于远程处理方案,结果作为数组或 Tuple 对象列表接收会非常好(其中的好处是强类型)。

示例: 动态转换SELECT Name, Age FROM Table => List<Tuple<string,int>>

问题:是否有任何示例,给定任意数据表(如 SQL 结果集或 CSV 文件),每列的类型仅在运行时知道,以生成将动态创建强类型List<Tuple<...>>对象的代码。代码应该是动态生成的,否则会非常慢。


2 回答 2


编辑:我将代码更改为使用 Tuple 构造函数而不是Tuple.Create。它目前仅适用于最多 8 个值,但添加“元组堆叠”应该是微不足道的。


正如 Elion 所说,我们需要动态创建一个表达式树,以便之后调用它。我们采用的基本技术称为投影

我们必须在运行时获取类型信息并根据属性计数创建Tuple(...)构造函数的 ConstructorInfor。每次调用都是动态的(尽管每条记录需要相同)。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var list = new[]
                           //new {Name = "ABC", Id = 1},
                           //new {Name = "Xyz", Id = 2}
                           new {Name = "ABC", Id = 1, Foo = 123.22},
                           new {Name = "Xyz", Id = 2, Foo = 444.11}

        var resultList = DynamicNewTyple(list);

        foreach (var item in resultList)
            Console.WriteLine( item.ToString() );



    static IQueryable DynamicNewTyple<T>(IEnumerable<T> list)
        // This is basically: list.Select(x=> new Tuple<string, int, ...>(x.Name, x.Id, ...);
        Expression selector = GetTupleNewExpression<T>();

        var expressionType = selector.GetType();
        var funcType = expressionType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; // == Func< <>AnonType..., Tuple<String, int>>
        var funcTypegenericArguments = funcType.GetGenericArguments();

        var inputType = funcTypegenericArguments[0];  // == <>AnonType...
        var resultType = funcTypegenericArguments[1]; // == Tuple<String, int>

        var selects = typeof (Queryable).GetMethods()
            .Where(x => x.Name == "Select"

        // This is hacky, we just hope the first method is correct, 
        // we should explicitly search the correct one
        var genSelectMi = selects.First(); 
        var selectMi = genSelectMi.MakeGenericMethod(new[] {inputType, resultType}); 

        var result = selectMi.Invoke(null, new object[] {list.AsQueryable(), selector});
        return (IQueryable) result;


    static Expression GetTupleNewExpression<T>()
        Type paramType = typeof (T);
        string tupleTyneName = typeof (Tuple).AssemblyQualifiedName;
        int propertiesCount = paramType.GetProperties().Length;

        if ( propertiesCount > 8 )
            throw new ApplicationException(
                "Currently only Tuples of up to 8 entries are alowed. You could change this code to allow stacking of Tuples!");

        // So far we have the non generic Tuple type. 
        // Now we need to create select the correct geneeric of Tuple.
        // There might be a cleaner way ... you could get all types with the name 'Tuple' and 
        // select the one with the correct number of arguments ... that exercise is left to you!
        // We employ the way of getting the AssemblyQualifiedTypeName and add the genric information 
        tupleTyneName = tupleTyneName.Replace("Tuple,", "Tuple`" + propertiesCount + ",");
        var genericTupleType = Type.GetType(tupleTyneName);

        var argument = Expression.Parameter(paramType, "x");

        var parmList = new List<Expression>();
        List<Type> tupleTypes = new List<Type>();

        //we add all the properties to the tuples, this only will work for up to 8 properties (in C#4)
        // We probably should use our own implementation.
        // We could use a dictionary as well, but then we would need to rewrite this function 
        // more or less completly as we would need to call the 'Add' function of a dictionary.
        foreach (var param in paramType.GetProperties())
            parmList.Add(Expression.Property(argument, param));

        // Create a type of the discovered tuples
        var tupleType = genericTupleType.MakeGenericType(tupleTypes.ToArray());

        var tuplConstructor =

        var res =
                Expression.New(tuplConstructor, parmList.ToArray()),

        return res;

如果要使用 DataReader 或某些 CVS 输入,则需要重写函数GetTupleNewExpression

我不能谈论性能,尽管它作为本机 LINQ 实现应该不会慢很多,因为 LINQ 表达式的生成每次调用只发生一次。如果它太慢,您可以使用 Mono.Cecil 生成代码(并将其保存在文件中)。

我还不能在 C# 4.0 中对此进行测试,但它应该可以工作。如果您想在 C# 3.5 中尝试它,您还需要以下代码:

public static class Tuple

    public static Tuple<T1, T2> Create<T1, T2>(T1 item1, T2 item2)
        return new Tuple<T1, T2>(item1, item2);

    public static Tuple<T1, T2, T3> Create<T1, T2, T3>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3)
        return new Tuple<T1, T2, T3>(item1, item2, item3);

public class Tuple<T1, T2>

    public Tuple(T1 item1, T2 item2)
        Item1 = item1;
        Item2 = item2;

    public T1 Item1 { get; set;}
    public T2 Item2 { get; set;}

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("Item1: {0}, Item2: {1}", Item1, Item2);


public class Tuple<T1, T2, T3> : Tuple<T1, T2>
    public T3 Item3 { get; set; }

    public Tuple(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3) : base(item1, item2)
        Item3 = item3;

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format(base.ToString() + ", Item3: {0}", Item3);
于 2010-01-06T14:00:02.423 回答

当我们迭代 IEnumerable 时,Dominik 构建了一个懒惰地创建元组的表达式给我留下了深刻的印象,但是我的情况要求我以不同的方式使用他的一些概念。

我想在运行时只知道数据类型的情况下将数据从 DataReader 加载到元组中。为此,我创建了以下类:

Public Class DynamicTuple

Public Shared Function CreateTupleAtRuntime(ParamArray types As Type()) As Object
    If types Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(types))
    If types.Length < 1 Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(types))
    If types.Contains(Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(types))

    Return CreateTupleAtRuntime(types, types.Select(Function(typ) typ.GetDefault).ToArray)
End Function

Public Shared Function CreateTupleAtRuntime(types As Type(), values As Object()) As Object
    If types Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(types))
    If values Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(values))
    If types.Length < 1 Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(types))
    If values.Length < 1 Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(values))
    If types.Length <> values.Length Then Throw New ArgumentException("Both the type and the value array must be of equal length.")

    Dim tupleNested As Object = Nothing
    If types.Length > 7 Then
        tupleNested = CreateTupleAtRuntime(types.Skip(7).ToArray, values.Skip(7).ToArray)
        types(7) = tupleNested.GetType
        ReDim Preserve types(0 To 7)
        ReDim Preserve values(0 To 7)
    End If
    Dim typeCount As Integer = types.Length

    Dim tupleTypeName As String = GetType(Tuple).AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace("Tuple,", "Tuple`" & typeCount & ",")
    Dim genericTupleType = Type.[GetType](tupleTypeName)
    Dim constructedTupleType = genericTupleType.MakeGenericType(types)

    Dim args = types.Select(Function(typ, index)
                                If index = 7 Then
                                    Return tupleNested
                                    Return values(index)
                                End If
                            End Function)
        Return constructedTupleType.GetConstructors().First.Invoke(args.ToArray)
    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw New ArgumentException("Could not map the supplied values to the supplied types.", ex)
    End Try
End Function

Public Shared Function CreateFromIDataRecord(dataRecord As IDataRecord) As Object
    If dataRecord Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(dataRecord))
    If dataRecord.FieldCount < 1 Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("DataRecord must have at least one field.")

    Dim fieldCount = dataRecord.FieldCount
    Dim types(0 To fieldCount - 1) As Type
    Dim values(0 To fieldCount - 1) As Object
    For I = 0 To fieldCount - 1
        types(I) = dataRecord.GetFieldType(I)

    Return CreateTupleAtRuntime(types, values)
End Function

End Class

与 Dominik 解决方案的一些不同之处:

1)没有延迟加载。由于我们一次将使用来自 IDataReader 的 IDataRecord 的一条记录,因此我没有看到延迟加载的优势。

2) 没有 IQueryable,而是输出一个对象。这可能被视为一个缺点,因为您正在失去类型安全性,但我发现我使用它的方式并没有真正对您不利。如果您执行查询以获取 DataRecord,您可能知道类型的模式是什么,因此您可以在 Object 返回后立即将其直接转换为强类型元组。

对于我正在处理的另一个用例(代码未发布,因为它仍在不断变化),我想要一些返回的元组来表示多个对象,这些对象是从具有多个连接的选择查询中构建的。有时将多行查询结果处理为不可变对象会出现阻抗不匹配,因为您在迭代 DataReader 时正在填充子类型数组。我过去通过在构建时拥有一个私有的可变类来解决这个问题,然后在填充完成时创建一个不可变对象。这个 DynamicTuple 让我将我在几个不同查询中使用的概念抽象为通用函数来读取任意连接的查询,将其构建到 List(of DynamicTuples) 而不是专用的私有类中,然后使用它来构造不可变的数据对象。

于 2016-04-07T21:06:11.053 回答